Bogstandard 🐐 GAA photos

How in the name of jaysus did they need to keep him overnight for that? In fact, what was stopping them removing it straight when he got to hospital?

I presume they had to give the surgeon the opportunity to sober up for the Job.

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Mini angle grinder would have done the job.

Any word on the helmet @myboyblue?

I’m sure his helmet is fine Julio, the damage seemed to have been localised around the hand area.

He’s been posting on TFK practically since the beginning. What about him?


a lot of nerves to play around with in the snuff box…

Arteries in the hand mate. If they whipped it out he’d have bled like a stuck pig, or could have at least.

Ah lads, the fucking gimp of Laverty

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John O’Grady the Rosegreen player?

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The one & only. Gas watching him with a helmet in 2014.

He must be over 40?



Who they ?