Bogstandard ๐Ÿ GAA photos

Dargan is a lovely sort.


That face is the very essence of a cute hoor.


Cody knows

Heโ€™s looking like he has the inside track alright. Maybe he thinks he can pick up the all Ireland that limerick donโ€™t win in the next half decade.

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Look at the smirk on this lad after his assault on Pรกidร

Marker laid down

Heโ€™ll need a steel gauntlet next time

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Nut guard a must

A couple of dodgers

Will either of them make the KK senior team

Thereโ€™s only one man that can answer that one, they should be both good enough in time

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Fao of @carryharry

If they have spurrit they have a chance.

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Some wake sets of jerseys going around at the minute

Lee Keegan agrees with this