Bono - CUNT

hilarious. his fake american accent to go with it, he must be from the same town as denise chaila.

Your constant references to Denise Chailaā€™s accent are weird. How do you think she should speak?

Not with an American accent


How do you think someone born in Zambia and raised in Limerick should speak?

Iā€™ve commented before on the decline of the regional accent in Ireland.

The hate for Bono is hilarious.

He answered an ad in school and went on to be the front man in the biggest band in the world and lived the dream. His only ever employer has been Larry Mullen Jnr.

Have you never heard the Zambrick accentā€¦ā€¦think Morgan Freeman here.

Watch his Meaning of Life with Gay Byrne.

He was asked about his tax. Whatever about that - itā€™s a tired story at this stage.

His response told it all. It amounted to ā€˜I helped bring the multinationals here. They are here for tax reasons. If the multinationals werenā€™t here we would be an insignificant rock in the Atlantic Oceanā€™.

Thatā€™s a pretty cuntish thing to say to the people of this country pre multinationals who pulled it up by its shoelaces.

I actually think heā€™s a bit simple.


Heā€™s just a cunt.


ā€˜I helped bring the multinationals hereā€™.

He actually said that.

How do you know he didnā€™t - he moves in influential circles

Dear Taoiseach

It was great to see you again in Davos. I appreciated the chance to meet with you privately, as well as the opportunity to come by the IDA dinner. You have a real champion in Bono and equally so with me and Facebook. I hope it came through how much we value our relationship with you and Ireland. I remain grateful for the partnership that weā€™ve been able to establish with you and your staff. Ireland has been a wonderful home for Facebook and your innovation agenda has enabled us to continue building our Irish operations, a trend that we hope to carry on well into the future.

I also want to commend you once again for your leadership during your Presidency of the EU. You made enormous progress. When it came to the European Data Protection Regulation, you and your staff really internalised our concerns and were able to present them in a reasonable way, which has had a positive impact on both the process and work product. We hope we can rely on you for your continued leadership on this regulation since we still have more work to do here. Along the same lines, I was pleased to heard that you re so involved in the OECD working group process on tax reform. These discussions will be very complicated and important, and we hope to be helpful to you identifying the implications with different options for future investment and growth in Europe. We are keen to collaborate with your office on this, just as we have on the DPR.

As I said at our meeting, I would be thrilled to host you at Facebook Headquarters in Menlo Park any time, and would be even more thrilled if you were availableā€¦

two redacted linesā€¦.

Please let me know when you are planning to come to the US and your schedule might permit a stop in California.

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You tell me.

You can be sure that any decision FB made was related to the bottom line.

Of course him falling into bed with Facebook isnā€™t cool either.

Does it sum up the frustration of a Sunday?

Itā€™s in memory of the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday. The lyrics of the new verse are:

ā€œTrudging slowly over wet sand
Back to the bench where your clothes were stolen
This is the coastal town
That they forgot to close down
Armageddon, come Armageddon!
Come, Armageddon! Come!ā€

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Bono and Geldoff are both fantasists. They are typical of a middle class that still exists in Ireland - the type that rules Montrose - and feels it can pontificate to the rest is about how we should view the world.


Bono and geldof seem to have done a lot for various charities.

In particular geldof. I donā€™t get why heā€™s so hated. He seems a bit odd but must of those types are.

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The head of him. Pink and hard as a pig with a flick knife

I was the person holding the flag in San Francisco, at the time I was a mad RA head, it meant Sinn Fein :man_shrugging: