Bono - CUNT

Yes Mr Quinn

As the Edge once described him

Bono is a nice bunch of guys.

He’s probably the greatest Irishman in history.

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Bono put Ireland on the map.

Bono’s wum game is on point

Ireland began to mature as a nation at about 5:25pm on July 13th, 1985, when U2 launched into their 11 minutes long performance of “Bad” at Wembley Stadium, London.

Was it that bad?

It was a very bad famine in Ethiopia alright.

My previous post is the opening line to the prologue to a part Eamon Dunphy style, part Fintan O’Toole style epic history I’m writing about Ireland 1985-1995, entitled “Ireland: the Celtic Cub”.

I have to write a second line now.

That’s not making any sense to me :man_shrugging:
Who’s Mr Quinn??

I’ll have to root out the flag

Maurice Pratt?

What were the redacted lines?
That letter is sickly on the surface, and sinister under it.
It is also vaguely nauseating.

Fuck me only ppl they put on the map was themselves that prick Bono
( working class boy from oirelands hardest streets :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:)
Has to be the most woke condescending prick ever to come out of the pale
Sir Bobs only trailing after him by a long mile road


Christ above. That’s concerning on multiple levels.


Some of the lads slagging Bono would think the Wolfe Tones are as musically relevant as Chuck Berry or The Beatles were.


What are you trying to say there mate?

Did the wolf tones do much for the starving kids in Africa

What a showman

Can you see those fighter planes when you’re flying on private planes

In fairness to Bono he may not pay taxes here but he’s not above doing his bit to bring in other cunts who don’t pay taxes here


To help them not pay tax anywhere else either.


Yes indeed - global corporate giants not paying taxes anywhere will help “make poverty history”


They’ve done fuckall for music anyway