Bono - CUNT

That a lot of the barstoolers slagging Bono for being a west brit, their musical tastes are the Wolfe Tones and maybe Scooter

Is that so? Have you done a poll on it?

Bono is a pontificating wanker, fact.
He got sucked into the punk scene as a youngster but had no life experience to replicate that in music, which is fine, instead he made some good pop music early on - again, all good. But has turned in scutter for nearly 20 years now.

He’s utterly consumed with himself and despite all his guff about peace and poverty he’s just an ego maniac looking stroke his own ego. Even around the good Friday agreement, he tried to make it about him - the geebag.

Along with that cunt Geldof, they’ve spent their life blaming northern nationalists and expression of nationalism as the cause of all violence in northern Ireland and the island as a whole. They repeatedly ignored the conditions that led to the troubles, the sectarian apartheid governance of the north, the loyalist mobs the murderous RUC and of course the murder and violence carried out by the British state… Geldof still talks down to and blames nationalists to this day, despite years of evidence showing how much violence was committed by the British state and inturn created more violence in retaliation. He still keeps his OBE close despite returning his freedom of Dublin award because it was also given to that lady who turned out to be a tyrant in Myanmar( I forget her name) … You don’t see the cunt returning his OBE fir atrocities carried out by the British state , here and every where else. He’s a lickspittle. Look at him the time of the Scottish referendum, out batting for the Union to keep Britain great :roll_eyes:… And Bono, after years of spitting on the people of Derry, decides to slide in a verse into his song long after every one knew what was what … If he really cared and wanted to challenge the establishment or instigate peace, he would have spoken out about what bloody Sunday really was long ago, but it was easier stick the boot into the little guy - the cowardly cunt. Himself and Bob are two cunts. They made it big and thought that have them a mandate to speak down to the rest of us. How Geldoff’s racist ‘do they know it’s Christmas’ still gets played on the radio and McGowan’s fairytale gets stick is beyond me…


Most guys slagging Bono don’t rate Wolfe Tones as true musicians

He’s a plastic Paddy
Opinionated woke cunt

I don’t like U2 or Bono


The high water mark of Western civilization

Apart from being a shit song with crap lyrics, what’s racist about do they know it’s christmas

That’s an outstanding rant there @Thomas_Brady,my neck is sore from nodding along in agreement with every line.

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What in the original lyrics puts the boot into nationalists? Or when did he last put the boot into them in general?

It’s hilarious that people are that wound up by Bono.

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Is Bono above criticism? You seem to have an awful issue with people who have an issue with Bono.

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I have no opinion on the man high or low. I’m not a fan of him or U2 and don’t spend/waste my time obsessing over what he does or says. I prefer to listen to stuff I like. U2 are not on my radar nor is Bono.
But it is hilarious that people get wound up by him when they could just ignore him.
You strike me as the type who would get a ticket to see Westlife, go to the gig and spend two hours moaning about how shit they are.

You’re doing a lot of posting in here all the same. I merely explained to you why he’s a prick when you were looking for clarity. I wasnt posting prior to that.


Brought the kids to the pictures today. Sing 2. Few U2 numbers in it so waited for credits. The cunt makes an appearance, his accent is semi hidden but I thought it was him from start.


How did you not spot him!

Pretty obvious in hindsight alright :flushed:

I heard nothing about it tbf. Thought Sindo and RTÉ would be reporting this massive news


:face_with_monocle: :point_up_2: