Bono - CUNT

Surprised Limerick haven’t claimed them or built a statue


Bono’s no Denis Allen

Little known fact: Denis Allen is Sean South’s godchild. Beat that Hewson

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Are ye claiming a Cork Cunt now?

Is that an abacus they’re fighting over?

Adam Clayton looked like Larry Mullen’s dad.

It looks like the trophy for the Pioneer quiz.


Doubt it

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Quit your showing off

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Think they put up a sign outside the Stella mate

Miserable bastards a sign🙄

Down in the ballroom quarter

Jackie Lennox has a gold disc in the chipper from where they recorded their first album. Very understated

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Good football pedigree came out of that chipper aswell


By Jesus. He needs the plant.

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Gavin Friday is the epitome of a cunt.


Bono would be a great addition to TFK, what a WUM :clap: :clap:

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Hanging off Bono’s coat tails his whole life the cunt.

Guggi has more self respect

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