Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

She must be constantly late for the to do that. They could pay her out no bother and nobody would care less. But degenerates who bet on virtuals seem to think its OK to come up 5 seconds before the off jump the que to feed their fucking addiction. So the staff could be right to fucking stick it to her.

On the virtuals the “No more bets” message appears on screen 2 seconds before the off I’ve noticed.

the till monkey still takes the money though.

24 euro. The auld wan might need it to feed herself.

That’s uncalled for.

calling an old woman a degenerate because she had a bet on a virtual horse is grand though.

Yes she is a degenerate like yourself!

The Powers I frequent in Cork got a bit of a doing…

Was it vandalised or what?

Thats the one off Paul Street ya?


It would be


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Some lad lost a tenner on the virtual dogs id say

I was talking to someone who was there and they said, the man came in and said “This place ruined me and ye are all victims to it as well. If I had a gun I’d shoot the cunts behind the counter.”

He went full on mad bastard then

Sign in @Juhniallio

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Sounds like an alright sort, nobody got hurt and PaddyPower are scumbags.


Hard to have any sympathy for this fella at all.

Doesn’t want to take the blame. Fuck him in jail for 6 months

Imagine if a raging alcoholic trashed a pub with people in it. There’d be uproar. Instead society dictates we should feel sorry for this ape.

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