Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Do pp still pay out bog on singles?

Yes but 500 max stake in shops i think

Bet365 has lost its appeal in a higher Spanish court against having to reinstate all stake restricted customers who haven’t broken Spanish law.


Very interesting.

Does that apply to Spain only?

Assume so.

This could be a game changer

I’m told a friend had 1000 quid on cosmic horizon at 9/4 last week in roscommon with pp. The race went to a photo and he cashed out for a little over 2k. The horse lost in the photo. Anybody notice this happening before?

They were probably betting on the photo were they? Could understand how it might happen but PP v limited on the cash outs vs. 365 or someone

Do you have a link to an article please?

Well the cash out ran through during the photo.

Yeah thats my point really. If they had a market on the photo then it follows that they would run a cash out for existing bets on the race

Lads, did a Canadian earlier. Two lost, one in, waiting on one and one now void of the 5. Assuming only one wins, where do I stand?

Interesting to hear outcome of this. We debated it in this thread a few weeks back. I think with one winner you will be settled on the basis the void horse was an evs winner and it will be a dbl with your winner - give it a try

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Just giving me the one winner there

It’s on first goal scorers and one was void as he wasn’t on when the first goal went in

Settled as a single as well I’d say. A Canadian reverts to whatever the next multiple down is. How many selections in a Canadian?


It’s basically a Yankee with a free unpaid winner. You get rightly screwed with NRs on multiples

Got paid on the single

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