Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Share holders be laughing

I think you greatly overestimate what the government can do. Between data protection, laziness, poor inter-departmental co-operation and sheer incompetence, I’d say it’ll be a long while before @anon32894817 gets a knock on that front.

I told ye the good days are over .

I had a good day in Boyles anyway :hugs:

They want proof of earnings , so guys on social welfare who are betting 100s washing drug money are fucked .

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Until the staff are thrown a few quid under the counter to turn a blind eye. The wheel will keep turning

The security team would be on the phone in 2 mins once a large staked bet is put through without a monitored tag on the docket. No avoiding it.

I actually think stopping money laundering is a good thing

If you’re not laundering you’re money in Bitcoin these days then you need your head examined.

I was on the Dark Web last night to buy some cracked accounts and business is as strong as ever. There’s lads sellling dirty Bitcoin for 60% of current value in exchange for clean Bitcoin :grinning::grinning:

What are cracked accounts? Any Sony ear buds going cheap on the dark web?!

Basically hacked accounts with login details changed and sold on for small money. VPN accounts are popular.

I might be able to work something out. Leave it with me.

What if you win 50k on one of these new accounts under Jabbar Al Zarooni as the name based in Jordan? They will need much additional information I guess then and will Jabbar be sound to help you retrieve your 50k winnings after he selling you the account for €20?

I wasn’t buying betting accounts!

You’ve always some sort of scheme on the go :joy: TFK’s Del Boy

Have to make the few quid somehow. Via Tennis or otherwise.

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What accounts are you buying so?

It might be best for all of us if we didn’t know

How can bitcoin be dirty? Is the whole thing not that it’s completely anonymous?

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I was getting a few VPNs

It’s possible to buy Bitcoin with stolen credit card info.

All transactions are public on the Bitcoin network. If you happen to know someones Bitcoin address you can see transactions going to that Address. You’d obviously want some other info to nail someone for a crime.