Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Did you see Gearoids tweets?

What’s his twitter handle?

Icey tentacles now. Emmet Kennedy got his last one deleted.

That story he tweeted was posted on this thread a while back. It’s old news

Edit - @Copper_pipe has quoted it in his post

He is some character that lad

How did Xanadu, which seem to be a software developer, end up in the business of procuring clients for Matchbook?

I know some of the founders of Xanadu well from college. I was always under the impression that they just provided the back office infrastructure for the exchange and had no share/risk of the underlying gambling business, who was effectively their client

Hard to know how accurate that article is

The below extract from a different article makes it sound like Xanadu were running a major part of the business and making decisions on credit etc.
Perhaps they were just lending their name to Euraisas operation for regulatory reasons. Either way they’ve gotten themselves into a very messy situation.

The claimant, Eurasia Sports Ltd, is a betting agency incorporated and regulated in Alderney. It operates through an agency called Xanadu, which is incorporated in Ireland but which provided its relevant services through consultants based in England.

Eurasia has claimed that 11 defendant individuals, all of whom were resident in Peru at the time of the relevant events, conspired to defraud it by placing bets on credit that they had no intention of repaying. The decisions to open the defendants’ accounts and extend credit facilities to them were made by a Xanadu consultant while the consultant was in England, although the meetings between the defendants and the consultant took place in Peru. The defendants ultimately lost around $12.6 million.

If a bet isn’t legally binding on the bookmaker how can it be legally binding on the punter :thinking:

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That would be my guess

He doesn’t spare the rod on Darryl Jacob’s record at the cheltenham festival. Tbf no winner in 6 years and none for Simon Munir.

Can be witty enough at times but by God is he rude.

What were fellas saying here before about Boylesports BOG offer, something like you are allowed BOG if the bet is under €100? And if you’d say €100 or €150 on a 5/2 shot that ended up winning at 7/2, they won’t pay BOG since your stake was €100+? Anyone know if this is right @anon32894817 @Copper_pipe

Max stake of 500 euro for BOG

What’s BOG?

Best odds guaranteed.

So if you have €400 on a 3/1 say that returns 7/1 they’d pay you the better price? I was sure one of ye was on here in the last year saying to get BOG in Boyles if ye are putting on €100 it has to be split across two dockets.


They need to take the 400 @ 3/1 first though :joy:

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Just a question lads. Do Ladbrokes pay BOG on doubles done in shops. Done a double tonight in shop took prices at 5/4 &15/8 both won but at prices 7/4 and 4/1.