Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Could be betting with them all and they hoping their algo’s are better than his. And if not, then he’s helping them form their markets that they’ll clean up with mug punters on.

He bets into the Middle East markets there would be no issues.

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Ya I’d say his margin of wins must be tiny so he’s the liquidity. Volume

Do Middle East bookmakers not want to make money?

Lots of money out there. If you can lay bloom his bets and use the knowledge to adjust your odds and get bets on elsewhere you can still win. It’s all about the price.

Pp have “Warm” accounts with winning punters so they’ll know where a horse is going. There happy to lose to him but can adjust their odds to make money off everyone else.

Kevin Blake talks about this phenomenon a bit and is convinced Ladbrokes use him as a market guide with his bets

Ben Keith is all in also

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Look at this for a fucking disgraceful offer. 4 horses…in an exact order…for 11-1. Wankers.

Driving through town after the school drop this morning and there’s a queue of 5 or 6 people waiting to go into Paddy Powers. At 9am. Just plain sad


Are you sure on that? I thought powers didn’t open till 11 am nowadays.

They were queuing waiting for it to be open. These would be auld lads who’d go in every day and throw a 50c lucky 15 on or do a 49s or Rapido. As much for the social aspect as anything else.

Powers in limerick seem to open later than anywhere else in the country. I must get in to do a few lucky 15s for Cheltenham.

Anyone know what the story with these forex traders. Not a week goes by where I get a follow on Instagram from one of these cunts. Immediate block. But how does it work? Is it a glorified pyramid scheme? This tweet triggered my question

Fellas that call other fellas “bro” are not to be trusted


Where a suit to any occasion like drinking cans at a house. The common gobshite


Sad news I didn’t know his wife had died. I was only listening to him interview Ben Keith a few days ago on a podcast.

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From Bar One :joy:

Due to Government Level 5 restrictions, the Bar One Racing shops are closed temporarily again, however you can still deposit and collect winnings in your local shop between 10.30am - 1.00pm daily.

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