Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Cunts voided one of my best!

I wonder what went on here. Very bizarre

If a lad wanted to stick 100k on a horse or football match ,do betfair take the bet or literally just host your 100k offer and wait for someone to match it ?or would 100k be too much for bet fair ? Do they have limits ?

No limits as far as I know. If it was matched it would likely all get matched in smaller amounts. Some markets would struggle to have enough liquidity to match it though

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So you reckon if someone threw up 100k for letā€™s say the gold cup ,betfair will host it no problem and then itā€™s up to punters to match it bit by bit?..Iā€™m just curious as to where a lad with money and a fancy gets a bet on anymore ā€¦powers are the likes just reduce a lad to a tiny stake of heā€™s any good

Thereā€™s agents that @Copper_pipe has mentioned before that specialise in getting large amounts on across multiple books. If you were betting in somewhere like Vegas youā€™d probably get that money on without much trouble but that wouldnā€™t be much use for Irish horse racing.

In theory, you should be able to bet or lay as much as you like on Betfair and itā€™s down to the market to determine if youā€™ll get on or not. The Champion Hurdle currently only has 210k traded on it so a lad loading in 100k now on a single horse at a single price would be waiting a long time for it to be matched unless he was offering an outrageous price. Betfair may well have individual limits on bets but if they do Iā€™ve no idea what they are.

The US and Australian sports books are much better structured in this way. Theyā€™ll stand any bet up to a certain amount or liability depending on how far out it is. For NFL, it might be a 1k bet on the Monday, 10k on the Wednesday / Thursday when team news is out and then up to 50k on the Sunday or something. These books then use super punters to help inform them on how they should price the market. Whereas in Ireland and UK, they just all index off Betfair and do everything possible to limit any punter who has a good opinion.

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No harm to see it banned. Bookies started all these crazy restrictions. Theyā€™ll get little sympathy from me.

Looking for a bit of advice chaps. I placed an online bet with boyles (yes, I know I shouldnā€™t be betting with this tinpot outfit but thatā€™s another story).

The bet was Bruno FernƔndez to have over 1.5 shots on target v Everton @5/4. I watched the first half where he hit the target with a free kick and then scored. Was delighted with myself to have my bet up before halftime. I didnt watch the second half.

Lo and behold the bet is settled as a loser. I get onto them on the online chat and after three different conversations they tell me the bet was a loser as he only had 1 shot on target. When I disputed this they fobbed me off by saying thatā€™s how it was settled by ā€œthe governing bodies that traded the matchā€ and that I could contact the Independent Betting Adjudication Service in London if I wanted to appeal.

I dont know if anyone remembers the free kick in question but it was in the 37th minute and was a direct free kick from the right hand side. It was on target and had to be saved by the keeper. I can only conclude they put this down as an attempted cross rather than a shot. It would have gone into the net had the keeper not saved it ffs.

Iā€™m seething here. My question is should I pursue this further, ring up Boylesports and speak to someone directly or contact that crowd in London or am I wasting my time?

I put a fair amount of bets through my account and this was a ā‚¬200 bet. Has anyone else had a similar experience? If I donā€™t have any joy Iā€™m going to close my account as a matter of principle as much as anything. All advice appreciated, and Iā€™ve already tried shoving my thumb up my hole!

They settle like all bookmakers as per opta stats. They wonā€™t budge off that. You could try contacting opta I guess. Not sure itā€™ll make a difference

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Are free kicks and pens counted on shots in target

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Thanks. Whatā€™s the opta stats? Sounds like Iā€™m pissing against the wind soā€¦

Opta are the official stats partners for the premier league.

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Fairly sure are taken as some sort of authority on all game stats, they have Fernandes down as having 4 shots but only 1 on target.

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I had the same in a multi bet with PP and that part of it was settled as a loss. It didnt bother me because it had lost on another leg as well but I thought he had 2 shots on target as well. Thatā€™s shit mate.

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Did he have two shots on target?