Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Thanks for that. Looks like I’ll just have to sign into the seething thread. I still don’t understand how a freekick expert can put a direct freekick on target, without it hitting anyone else not be counted as a shot on target🤷‍♂️.

I mean if the keeper doesn’t stop it, its a goal…maybe they asked bruno…

I’d follow that up if I was you.

With the adjudication crowd or boyles or some other way?

Hold on.

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Ok Bruno’s free kick was counted as a cross which seems like bullshit to me.

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Here’s some other funny bullshit. It said on the commentary on livescore on Saturday night it was a shot on target but when I checked again today it had it changed to a cross. I’ll try post up the screenshot

You are correct a friend of a friend works for powers and I asked him. Said they’ve gotten plenty of complaints. He said it’s down as a cross.

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If the keeper lets it slip through his hands it’s a shot on target.

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Yeah, its a goal. If someone scores a goal that’s a mishit cross do they not count the goal :joy:

Dunno why the likes of opta are at that.

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Top one is from Saturday night, bottom one from today :man_shrugging:

Presume they are owned by some betting company?

Yeah, you’re probably right. It stinks.

Absolutely, that’s why I thought it was such a good bet

That’s outrageous. Can you get a clip of it and tweet it to them or anything? Maybe they to shame them into it? Think I remember the free, low to the keepers left?

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I think you’re out of luck with this

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I’m sure I could but don’t really want to go down that route. That’s the one, low to keepers left, after Cavani was fouled. How they don’t give that as a shot on target is beyond me

Yeah, I’ve accepted i won’t get paid. Barney says pp didn’t pay out on it either. I can’t fathom it though, as I said if the keeper doesn’t save it its a goal so how is it not a shot on target ffs :man_shrugging:. As I said earlier, if a player slices a cross and it ends up in the net do they not count it as a goal as it was meant to be a cross??

Just goes to show betting is for mugs i guess and bookies are cunts, nothing we didn’t know already i suppose.

Yes I watched that game and I remember that one.
The commentators called it a shot. Maybe it was a mishit cross but it turned into something the keeper had to save.

What about that then? Was it counted as a save?

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