Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

I suppose losses is more important

Regular withdrawals with deposits back should also be scrutinized for money laundering

Bookmakers should not be allowed run casinos on their apps or websites. Nor should virtual racing or any thing of that ilk be allowed in the shops.


Agreed. I’ll put it in the manifesto.

I’m banning online Bingo as well

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What about TeleBingo

I’ll allow it.

At the very least they should impose segregated wallets so balances can’t freely be used across pure betting and casinos. They obviously want to make it as easy as possible.

The virtual stuff is disgusting. I remember a bookies bring open on Christmas eve next a shop i worked in only for virtual and lotto. Same heads that are in there the other 363 days of the year open

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If they want to ban people or limit people who make money, they should have no option to have casino games on their site, those things are 100 times worse than any horse race or football match in terms of potential losses for a person. The limit to a loss of €500 should also be in this country, the bookies have the whole thing carved up in their favour.

Is he anything to Jim Browne bookmakers that used to be in portobello ?

I’ll do it for €250k

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They’ll probably give it to Ivan Yates

Doubt it, local politcal family in Enniscorthy, his father was also a td, as was his grand-uncle

How many will that employ? Director near the top Civil Service grade and a few underlings :thinking:

typical EU senior Irish Civil Servant mentality, that is to ‘develop another way to get a % of a cash stream’

  1. identify a cash stream
  2. feign interest in an unsolvable problem associated with the cash stream
  3. create an office to regulate same
  4. take % of the cash stream for personal benefit of permanent government

Online gambling should be illegal or if winnings were taxed heavily maybe that would kill it off. Bookies are all fucking parasite leeches, I’d live to see them all on the street instead of their poor homeless customers.

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Credit Cards are banned but Betway are accepting deposits via Klarna which is basically the same thing.

I thought they were only allowing Klarna from prepaid funds?