Bookmakers and general Money Laundering on the Dark Web

Jaysus. Although it’s amazing it’s taken until now given there’s been a few high profile incidents of money being laundered on track.

I see AK in the comments saying its no big deal and has happened previously

A 3 week warning to get your books in order :joy::joy::joy:. ‘Flash inspection’

Linked the card from his online account to the shop transaction.

Online account closed as he wouldn’t provide the proof of income. Won’t pay out his shop bet to the same card.

I know his case is ridiculous but that’s not a bad measure to have in place if they can link them and expect it’s a problem gambler

Sounds like the behaviour of a degenerate gambler who needs protecting from himself to be fair


Sounds like every gambler so

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Any lad promoting the fact they’re doing Heinz bets shouldn’t be taken too seriously

That Rocky Ladbrokes ad is unreal


Fair play to Rachel

Scratch cards are like yankees for auld wans. They’d probably be better off doing yankees

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Wait till they start on the telly bingo

Shirley Temple Bar still hosting it?

Novel if not exceedingly shady

Seems like a terrible deal? If the bookie doesn’t pay out you do. If you are losing money mid season and lose the account, you eat the loses.


I’d be very sceptical of a fella having trouble getting on US sports. You could tip away into a shop and have what you want on Prem and NFL.

Sure arent there asian betting firms one can sign up to online as well for sports betting?

Exchanges, you’ve Betfair, Betdaq, Matchbook, Smarkets…unless this lad is Tony Bloom on sports betting, thats a scam

GAA would be the only mainstrean sport in Ireland firms would be wary of due to local knowledge. There’s lads could make a very nice holiday every year just betting GAA, if they could just leave it at that. Traders dont really monitor leagues and early championship well, if youre going to games you’ve some advantage.

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Even at that, they’ll only allow you one holiday betting online. Have to go into the shop after that.

My weekly treble is limited at €8 these days.

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That’s mental

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