Bosnia, Kosovo and other Balkan matters

Ive no idea what individuals do for entertainment. The Prizren Liverpool supporters chapter are a sound bunch tho. They pipped the Ratoath to 3rd in the international supporters annual zoom Christmas quiz . @Aertel220 missed Cisse as one of the 2005 spotters and @Biff_Egan missed a handy one on the four regular time scorers in Liverpools uefa cup win in 2001. He got 3.

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Kicking off in the Balkans again.

Serbs in Northern Kosovo want to break away

Did NATO not bomb those fucks enough already?

The Serbs are throwing all sorts of shapes at the minute over Kosovo.

Who are the good guys? I need to add a flag to my twittter alomg with Ukraine, Armenia, Palestine, pride, trans and blm.

The Serbs would seem to be the aggressors. NATO is on Kosovo’s side.

Serbs launched an attack inside Kosovo. It was supposed to be militants but it quickly transpired that it was organised by the Serbian Government. Some say as a pretext to launch an invasion of the Serbian part of Kosovo. The Serbian deputy prime minister has admitted he organised it and resigned but said he acted alone.

It’s a whole hot mess there. As the Serbians in Kosovo say they have been discriminated against. Boycotted local elections recently then ended up with Kosovan/Albanians representing them which made them even angrier.

As usual in the Balkans it’s all very very complicated

It’s funny how the common denominator in all problems in the Balkans seems to be the Serbs.

Imagine Northern Ireland but there were 15 sides instead of two.

The Serbs feel they were badly wronged in the redrawing of Yugoslavia and blamed for all wrongs.

Kosovo was a Serbian heartland and they feel the Albanians stole it from them by immigration in the last 100 years.


The Serbs can go and fuck, they’ve been throwing their weight around for decades. The break up of Yugoslavia happened because the other provinces realised exactly what they were dealing with. The Serbs should thank their lucky stars they have the influence in Bosnia they do. If there was any justice they’d have been driven out of the place.

In one sense things are complicated and in another they’re deeply uncomplicated - it’s always the fucking Serbs.

While I would generally agree. In this case the EU felt that the Kosovans were definitely poking the bear unnecessarily.

It looks like the Serbs false flag or whatever the fuck they were trying has backfired on them big time and they are starting to back down a bit for the moment.

But this isn’t something that will be going away anytime soon

Remember who backs the Serbs, always. The Russians.

Oh the Russians hands are all over it.

Massively so (according to the one Serb I know, anyway). She’d still regularly mention that there was no need for Yugoslavia to break up. She also mentions that the Croats were cunts and sided with the Nazis during WW2

So Kosovo is an ethnic Albanian “State” that Serbia claims as theirs. What is Kosovos ultimate aim? To be independent or to join up with Albania?

Is she hot?

Yes. Insanely so

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You’d find yourself nodding along with her so. Serbs are angry

The Ustase. A right nasty bunch , they slaughtered a lot of Serbs .

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That’s the Serbs that tied 14 yr olds hands with barbed wire and shot them in the head, is it??


You can’t eat a flag. People will never learn. The ruskies are in cahoots with thon Serb from what I recall.