Boxing II

He might get it but he was a punchbag for 90% of it

He landed the better shots for me. Joyce did fuck all. Was like a fella practicing his 1-2s

Hon Chisora boy!


Big error by team Joyce not having it over 12, he had to force it and ended up getting knocked down whereas he probably couldve swept two more and Del was hanging on.

He should retire, Zhang took his punch resistance and he isn’t Del support wise. He is probably the nicest man in boxing.

Couldn’t begrudge him

“Are we gonna smoke weed together?” says Del to Joe

I’d watch Chisora v Wilder.

Chisora is a proper banger. You’d worry about him long term tbh. He’s been in some almighty battles.

I’ve always thought they should limit the number of rounds of professional boxing a fighter can fight. It’d have the side effect of preventing stats fluffing.
Hard to see how it could work though.

Zhang did a fair number on him

Nearly impossible. And hard to enforce it in places like Mexico or the UAE

JohnJoe Nevin is fighting in Mexico tonight, ten years on from his last fight.

TJ Doheny fighting one of the best boxers in the world Inoue on Sky Sports shortly


I threw it on there.
Is he based out of USA or Aus or somewhere? Never hear too much on him?

Yeah based out of Oz. Won a world title a few years back but gave it up pretty quickly

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One of the best boxers in the world fighting on a Tuesday night :thinking: The Japs don’t get it.

Tj folded tamely there - looked like some back/leg spasm

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I’m not so sure, i’d say he felt one of those punches & maybe passed it off

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Just watched it there. Thought he boxed well in a brave effort. Tough, skilled fighter.

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