Boxing II

Katie in trouble here.

Definetely influencing the referees.

She is capable of sweeping the last 3

Another bullshit decision for Irelands greatest athlete coming up?

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The technical draw, you don’t see that very often

Good round by kstie.

Jonas will make money for hearn so he might not care who wins

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Katie not looking too comfortable

Serrano would destroy Taylor.

Good round by katie.

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Shit or bust now

Katie by 2.

Katie won last 2 in my opinion.

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Last 2 rounds sealed it for Taylor.

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Class finish from Taylor

Taylor should get it

Thought second last went to the other girl

96 94
96 95
96 95

Closer than I thought but she won it well :clap:

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Eddie should promote the shite out of the rematch and make it main event.


There was a legal rave in Liverpool last night. Hard to see why a crowd wasn’t allowed in here tonight.