Boxing II

State of McFarlane fighting here.

A disgraceful condition to be in for a fighter.

The two boys are bolloxed

The fat Scotch lads on Sky?


Like two lads outside a chip shop on the Royal Mile.

This is a fight for the ages

Does McFarlane have some scotch tape holding up his kilt,

Fat cunt is down

Ref stopped that just in time

Grotbags took a hiding there.

State of the belt.

A rather unfortunate shadow behind Natasha Jonas there.

Right call to stop it there, Ramirez would have only opened up on him altogether

Some difference in class.

Agree. I even think Ramirez stood off him for a second there recognising how out of it he was. Good job the ref jumped in.

Natasha Jonas :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

One of the all time greatest renditions of Flower of Scotland

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‘Beautiful Glasgow’ lol