Boxing Thread

He is, Pat Ryan is his coach. A thoroughly alright sort is Pat. Hadn’t heard he’d gotten a walkover.

Default :clap:

He’ll have an Azeri opponent in his final :smirk:

Taylor fighting in her final now:

Taylor wins first round for all judges.

Got my rounds mixed up. She’s ahead anyway going into 4th round.

They just taped Taylor’s hair to her head :smiley:

Taylor wins on all 3 cards.

Michael O’Reilly fight about to start - same links.

10:9 to O’Reilly across the board for first round.

9:10 across the board for second round.

I think he did enough…?

He surely did enough

Unreal… I’m in floods of tears.

Ah terrific. 10:9 on all 3 judges for final round. Great win against an Azeri opponent.

Hon the Town :clap:

Katie’s fight:

What’s wrong kid?

Bizarre ending to the Bradley Vargas fight

Ah that was awful. Ref looked very confused afterwards.

Harsh on Vargas. But he was soundly beaten on the night. I don’t think he could have finished Bradley in any case.