Breaking News- China

garoweonline - Somalias finest being quoted here now :smiley:

Mini holiday. The wife is Japanese and they live in Singapore so are on the way back from visiting her family in Tokyo.


Some of the stuff in this thread doesn’t make for very nice reading.

The young lad is in China now either way. He has an ear infection after the flight.
So he’s in the doctors.

And a spot of volley-ball.

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They didn’t overexert themselves with the eye chart.

I see the Chinese are conducting drills and have completely surrounded Taiwan

Hopefully this kicks off and China gets back what belongs to them.

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Personally i wouldn’t begrudge the Taiwanese the right to self-determination any more than i would the palestinians, or even the citizens of the luhansk and donetsk people’s republics.
Hopefully this can be resolved peacefully…if nothing else it will infuriate the americans

Fucking outrageous. I hope the yanks take them to the International Criminal Court. That would show them.


I think the icc might be populated by stormy danielsesque pro-prince andrew type judges? Id throw my lot in with the icj, if I were you…

We’ll be in a full scale global conflict by Christmas.

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Not again

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He’ll be right one of these days

The young lad was to fly today from China to Taiwan. The flight wasn’t cancelled but he decided against it. He said it’s common knowledge over there that China will invade in 2027.

He took off to Bangkok instead.

“But Da I had to go to Bangkok, because china will invade Taiwan in 2027”


I had advised him against it because of the language barrier but her father had offered him a choice of jobs over there. Unfortunately when they got there the reality was very different.

So with her blessing he’s fucked of out of the place as fast as he could.

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He’ll get all the jobs he wants in Bangkok


I’m after sticking a Taiwan flag up outside the house in solidarity. :taiwan:

He doesn’t like the city believe it or not. Last time he did a kick boxing course out in the sticks. A bit like kill Bill I suppose. Sleeping in huts and living on fish heads, up at 5am.

This time he’s heading to the south of the country. What’s down there I don’t know.

I’m gone like @Bandage now.
I made up the bit about the fish heads.


He sounds like a splendid young chap

Work - spend - travel

That’s it. Time to settle down. 30 odd.
If he goes to South America I’d say we’ll never see him again.