Brexit a dó

No one denied that they were originally welcomed.

The Dogs on street are aware of that.

It’s the other part of your claim that’s bullshit.

Rattled stage 8

More gibberish. In future please post in English, or Irish, not that you actually know any Irish.

And do try and learn a bit of history, given that you’re so demonstrably utterly ignorant about your home place and currently choose to view the world exclusively through childish slogans.

Right I’ll bite. I haven’t seen anyone denying that they were originally welcomed, I know I certainly haven’t. You are clutching at that straw because it’s the only thing you’ve posted that’s true. The questions for you are why were they welcomed? Things were going great for Catholics in the North at that time according to you so why would they welcome the British army in? Also, did anything happen in the following weeks and months that changed a lot of people’s minds about the British army’s presence there? The British army are a great bunch of lads and the troubles were created in a vacuum by the IRA for the craic according to you so there’s some gaps in the gibberish you are posting.

Let’s go through your post line by line.

This was the post that drew such a seething reaction. I don’t see what’s remotely controversial about it. It is 100% true. The British Army were welcomed as peacekeepers, did keep the peace and Provos were formed to wage war - to destroy that peace. The Provos were utter vultures and the likes of Sean Mac Stiofan, Ruairi O’Bradaigh, Daithi O’Conaill and Seamus Twomey should be remembered as the nihilist scumbags they were. Not just enemies of the people of Ireland but enemies of all decent society.

What I posted was 100% true.

Well, duh, to protect them from Loyalist mobs. Where have I claimed otherwise?

Where did I claim things were going great for Catholics? You do realise that it shows how weak your argument is when you have to flagrantly lie that other people have said things they never said? I mean you came on here complaining about supposed trolling (I’m not remotely trolling, I’m giving you the truth), and then you end up resorting to demonstrably trolling nonsense. Reality is clearly too complicated for your understanding of history, which is framed exclusively through slogans and crude reductionism.

The fact is the Catholic population did welcome the British Army. You should ask @glenshane why his family welcomed the British.

Yeah, the Provos formed and decided to hurl Northern Ireland into three decades of hell.

Again, you’re making up stuff and claiming I said things I never said. Again, that’s outright trolling to mask a complete inability to debate honestly because the facts aren’t on your side.

The Troubles obviously didn’t happen in a vacuum but the PIRA were formed with the specific intention of waging war. It’s barstool blather and ahistorical nonsense to claim the PIRA didn’t want what the Troubles became. What happened over the next three decades was exactly what they wanted - mass violence, wanton murder, the destruction of a society.

Take this post as the clamping it is and fuck off back to your barstool and sing a few Wolfe Tones songs to yourself.

The British army were sent to NI at the request of the Unionists as the brave men and women of Derry were routing the RUC on the streets in 1969. It was a colossal mistake by the British, and against all the advise given to the government at the time. Instead of addressing the sectarian genocide going on, the British set the 30 year conflict in motion and are 100% responsible for all that happened afterwards.

Harold Wilson 1969 " If it became necessary for troops to intervene, they would be thought to be doing so in order to maintain the orange faction in power. The constitutional consequences might be very grave, and once we were involved it would be very difficult to withdraw."

The bastards knew the outcome, but still did it, to defend fascism.

Ahistorical rabble rousing nonsense.

You know less about Irish history than you know about American history, and you know nothing about American history.

The Provos were formed to wage war. The likes of you are all about personal responsibility until your heroes are asked to take some.

The Provos ruined the lives of Catholics and Protestants in the North, in Britain and further afield, and many families down here too, and destroyed any chance of a united Ireland in our lifetimes. The likes of you and the other lads here who object to basic historical facts are the main continuing obstacle to a united Ireland.

The victims of the Provos, and indeed the victims of the Loyalists and the British Army, are now mere punchlines for the the likes of you who never gave a fuck about any victims and have no interest in understanding anything through anything other than the lens of a rabid football supporter mindset.

Yis are basically Provo footixes drunk on a barstool.

Who was to blame for this?

The barstool you were on and singing the loudest from up until a couple of years ago is it :grin:

It’s some journey you’ve been on from Up the ra a few years ago to the Rangers supporting Jamie Bryson character you are pretending to be today. Wherever you get your kicks from Sid, have at it.

You’ve offered precisely nothing in response to my clamping of you.

Take your dressing down and move on.

Because they thought they would protect them?? The IRA was two men and a dog in 68/69.

Instead the British army watched on in many instances where Loyalists attacked catholic houses or paraded through Catholic neighbours.
They formed and armed the UDR and spent far more time harassing nationalists and nationalist areas than protestants. All in the first year.

It was their actions during the this year ( where you claimed they were peace keeping) that lost the nationalist community. Not anything the provos did.

The first British soldier to lose his life was nearly 2 years after they first arrived… Because the PIRA was largely defensive for the first few years.

You’re argument hinges on catholics welcoming British soldiers… Something no one has ever denied. You seem to think this means they had an amicable relationship with each other for a year based on this … And that the Tans were worthy peacekeepers.

It’s very poor wumming or a severe case of ignorance.

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On the contrary, the seethe at my stating of a basic historical fact threw you and the rest of the Provo footixes into a flaming rage of denial.

If there was no denial, none of the posts after my original post would exist.

The Provos were a failure and a disaster on every level. They oppressed their own community, killed their own community, and left a trail of destruction everywhere they went.

And at the end, as Brendan Hughes rightly said, they GFA - Got Fuck All.

You strike me as the sort that collected 12 crisp packets to get a history degree.

The replies were to your claim about peacekeeping and well you know it… Youre backtracking rapidly since.

Quit the trolling. The Provo footixes like yourself have been destroyed here.

History isn’t a nursery rhyme.


Who was to blame for this, @Tierneevin1979?


The British government.

Ted Heath Jan 1972 “As to Londonderry, a military operation to reimpose law and order would be a major operation necesarily involving numerous civilian casualties”.

General Robert Ford Jan 1972 “I am coming to the conclusion that the minimum force necessary is to shoot selected ringleaders among the Derry young hooligans after clear warnings have been given”.

Cause and effect. British troops were never acceptable on Irish soil, the scum British government knew this and still went ahead with the inevitable outcome of Bloody Sunday and Ballymurphy.

The Claudy bombing occurred on 31 July 1972, when three car bombs exploded mid-morning, two on Main Street and one on Church Street in Claudy in County Londonderry, Northern Ireland. The attack killed nine civilians, injured thirty and became known as “Bloody Monday”.[1] Those who planted the bombs had attempted to send a warning before the explosions took place. The warning was delayed, however, because the telephones were out of order due to an earlier bomb attack.[2] The Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) issued an immediate denial of responsibility,[2][3] and later stated that “an internal court of inquiry” had found that its local unit did not carry out the attack.[4] On the thirtieth anniversary of the bombing, there was a review of the case and in December 2002 it was revealed that the IRA had been responsible for the bomb explosions.[5][6][7]

Wow. According to @Tierneevin1979, the British Government were responsible for the Enniskillen massacre, and every other massacre committed by the PIRA.

This is how genocides happen, folks. People with views like this.

He’s windmilling because he’s been clamped like fuck.

His point was that the tans were top, top peacekeepers for their first year and it was the Ra what done it thereafter.

He’s been firing out all kinds of nonesense to move things away from the point above.