Brexit a dó

Tut tut.

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“Defending the Catholic community.”

Bernard Teggart and other victims like him are merely punchlines to the likes of @glenshane and @Thomas_Brady.

The IRA murder of a schoolboy is the “most horrific” case of child abuse being considered by the Historical Institutional Abuse Inquiry (HIA) , it has been revealed.

Bernard Teggart, 15, was abducted from St Patrick’s Training School in west Belfast in 1973.

He was shot in the head some hours afterwards and died in hospital.

Inquiry counsel said the killing is “the most horrific incident of child abuse to come before the HIA Inquiry”.

It was revealed that the school authorities did not report the abduction to the police.

Residential institutions

But the inquiry counsel added: “Identifying potential systems failures by those who regulated or ran a training school does not take from the fact that it was the IRA who murdered Bernard Teggart, a 15-year-old boy said to have a mental age of an eight or nine-year-old.”

The teenager’s father Danny had been shot dead by the Parachute Regiment in Ballymurphy in 1971, along with 10 others.

Bernard’s brother John Teggart said he wants his brother’s murder fully investigated.

“What we need now, we need a thorough investigation, just like an investigation of what happened to my father in August 1971,” he said.

"Let’s start with an investigation into the evidence that they have there. You have the RUC were dealing with it at the time - let’s bring that forward.

“Whether it’s independent or whether it’s any other, let’s bring it forward and let’s be open and honest.”

The inquiry was told that Bernard was abducted along with his twin brother, Gerry, who had also been taken from the school the week before.

The two brothers were taken to a number of houses and interrogated. Eight hours later Barney was found lying fatally wounded beside a roadside in north Belfast. He died some time later in hospital.

Gerry Teggart was released by the killers.

The exact reaction I’d expect from somebody who has a record of stalking an elected councillor, Elisa O’Donovan.

Sid nobody believes this Jamie Bryson persona you’ve created in the last couple of years so nobody engages seriously with you on the topic. It’s too transparent a troll, you need to be a bit more subtle then you’ll catch some fish.

You post the above screed of transparently trolling shit and you expect to be taken remotely seriously?

Once again. The below is historical fact. You and other thickos here have decided to claim it is fiction, because it offends you.

Facts don’t care about your feelings.


The day the troops moved in lasted a year apparently.

That was some day.

So are you denying the British Army were welcomed as peacekeepers by the Catholic community?

Think hard, now. I know you choose to understand the world through dumb slogans, but do try to think for once in your life.

Can an increase in military spending and improving and expanding our military not occur without having to join Nato or any EU Military alliance? God knows there has to be some increase in investment.

Thanks to @Fagan_ODowd and @Thomas_Brady for their diligent service in protecting our shores but God knows they won’t be around forever.



Why did Catholics literally come out onto the streets to welcome British soldiers?

Because they viewed it as a sign the RUC has been defeated. Clearly. Wait, is this a trick question?

Of course we can. We are already doing that. There is no EU military alliance.

Are you denying Catholics welcomed the British Army as peacekeepers?

I find it absolutely fascinating that some of the most opinionated posters here don’t know basic facts of the Troubles.

There’s a word for lads like @glenshane, @Thomas_Brady, @Horsebox and yourself.

That word is “spoofers”.

Are you not not denying that they didn’t?

Iraqi, vietnamese, cambodian, syrian etc citizens all welomed american soldiers as liberators. I saw it on television so i did…they were all smiling

No one denied that they were originally welcomed.

The Dogs on street are aware of that.

It’s the other part of your claim that’s bullshit.

Rattled stage 8

More gibberish. In future please post in English, or Irish, not that you actually know any Irish.

And do try and learn a bit of history, given that you’re so demonstrably utterly ignorant about your home place and currently choose to view the world exclusively through childish slogans.

Right I’ll bite. I haven’t seen anyone denying that they were originally welcomed, I know I certainly haven’t. You are clutching at that straw because it’s the only thing you’ve posted that’s true. The questions for you are why were they welcomed? Things were going great for Catholics in the North at that time according to you so why would they welcome the British army in? Also, did anything happen in the following weeks and months that changed a lot of people’s minds about the British army’s presence there? The British army are a great bunch of lads and the troubles were created in a vacuum by the IRA for the craic according to you so there’s some gaps in the gibberish you are posting.