BREXIT thread

Employing 3500 people on a wage that is beyond Slavery in most cases. Bottom line here is, the market will look after itself. Looking after a Mushroom industry which creamed it for 3/4 years while sterling was at the other end of the spectrum is laughable and highlights Creed’s uselessness as a Minister.

Ah, you were being serious. I assumed you were talking about magic mushrooms.

Is the mushroom industry in the soup now?


Creaming mushrooms eh?

Creed’s subvention is buttons and the taxpayer is being kept in the dark .

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Everyone is a loser with cheap food.

There was only 1 magic pun here pal and I got it first so take your fungal humour elsewhere.


Tell him go Shitake in his hat


The mushroom people had their cup open but Creed closed it.


That (flat) cap(ped) all mushroom puns. Very difficult to get a variety of mushroom in there.

EDIT: the other post, not that one.

EDIT: @therunt’s post.

Should have told em get stuffed .

Is Creed telling porcinis I wonder.

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fucks sake

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No need to get yourself so truffled over it

I’m sick of fuckin Brexit.
Enda Kenny doing a very good job of regurgitating his learned off lines here on the news.


A load of me bollox.

Pure fucking pie in the sky stuff from May there today. There’ll be a full scale trade war and there’ll only be one winner, Germany.

And not a fucking word about Scotland in her speech.

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Those spineless cunts will fall in and do what they’re told.

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No one cares about fucking Scotland . Horrible fcukers .

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