BREXIT thread

Probably the most Tin Tin O’Foole article heading I’ve ever seen

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Why is FOT so obsessed about Brexit ? I am fairly certain he doesn’t give the remotest fuck about Monaghan mushroom growers or Meath beef farmers .


Tin Tim looked into his heart and saw the good people of Ireland are concerned about it. Tin Tin knows the Irish people.
Or its a handy way to churn out a few articles that the Times lap up

Top lad is Emmanuel.


Courtesy of Google translate;
" I am pleased to welcome @LeoVaradkar to once again express the unity and solidarity with Ireland of the 27 countries of the European Union in the context of Brexit. We will never give up Ireland and the Irish. Solidarity is the very meaning of the European project"

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The French have a long history of supporting Irish rebellion.
Viva la France!

Thinly veiled “ye’ll be changing your Corporate Tax rules in a couple of years”.


Effective corporate tax rate in France is 11%.
They all lie.

Corbyn has agreed to meet with May to try and solve the Brexit paradox.

He didn’t have much choice. A suspicious person might think she is trying to pebbledash the blame for a hard brexit ahead of an inevitable GE. It will be interesting to see how Corbyn plays this. It could well be her simply sitting there with her fingers in her ears, repeatedly telling him to back her WA. There were no ERG resignations yesterday, nor any cabinet brexiteer ones. They’ve been informed by pollsters that they are likely to be obliterated at the next election, which may or may not be true. Treasa is done in any case. She seems to have ruled out both a hard brexit, and a revocation of a50. This is her only chance to avoid one or the other.
I still think this will be down to her willingness to split the current cabinet, but an overhaul of the tory party is essential in any case as they are toxic.

The Tories will split after this. She’s allowed Corbyn to become the saviour of Brexit, it’ll mean Labour will hold their pro-leave seats in the North, the deal will pass with labour support and the Brexit rump of the tories will vote against it but not have enough numbers to defeat it. Then again as you say, she is dumb enough to just beg Jel to back her deal.

I think the joke is starting to turn a little sour now … these stupid bastards are beginning to grate on me… @flattythehurdler will you come away home to fuck… I hadnt realized how hate filled a large swathe of the population were in Britain… I’d love to see the likes of Mark Francois rode up the hole by a pig — and he’s on the mild side of things.


Until the weather changes…


Incisive stuff from Pdiddy

There was a video doing the rounds on Twitter this morning, which has since been taken down, of three British Army paratroopers using a giant picture of Corbyn as a shooting target in a gallery.

This comes hot on the heels of the story about the neo-Nazi paedophile who was caught planning to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper with a sword.

Brexit is cancer.

Brexit isnt cancer ---- Brexit is merely the machine that highlights cancer …

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Incorrect. Machines aren’t a vehicle for cancer to spread. Brexit is like the guns in “guns don’t kill people, people do”.

To be fair to cancer, it doesn’t have a furious online mob defending it and shouting threateningly at people who hate it: “Admit it, you don’t BELIEVE in the benefits of having cancer, do you?!”

Squaddies really aren’t the smartest.