I love the way BBC Radio 4’s Today programme reports on all this Brexit stuff in such a soft focus, chummy way, as if all these Brexiteers aren’t living on some far off bizarro world planet of the mind
It’s all jolly good japes, while still reported on in the tone of that good old fashioned British gravitas of yesteryear, or at least they think so
Everything is pehfictly nauhmal, yes, there are a bunch of screaming lunatics with a combined mental age of three in government, but mum’s the wuhd, keep calm and carry on
The Prime Minister will today present proposals to the European Union fauh how customs checks will work at the Irish bauhdeh after Brexit
There wil be three separate bauhdehs - one 10 miles from the bauhdeh in Nauthin Ahland, an invisible bauhdeh at the bauhdeh itself, and then anotheh bauhdeh 10 miles inside the Republic of Ahland
Despite the immediate rejection of these proposals by the Ahrish Government, the Prime Ministeh says he is confident that these proposals will be acceptable to both the EU and the Ahrish government
Protests against the Chinese government have continued in Hong Kong…
The brexit broadcasting corporation as it is affectionately known is utterly spineless. Every time the party in power mentions the phrase “license fee” they behave like a Richard dimbleby interview with the royals. Cunts.