BREXIT thread

It would be an absolute wet dream of a situation for them. A special economic fantasy zone where they are in both and neither. There’d be opportunities galore.
But the thick cunts are flat out trying to change it to a scenario where they’d be cut off from their main trade partner instead. They’d prefer that.
You get the Government you deserve as they say and NI have certainly done themselves in here.


2-3bn for an anti Irish Language Act.

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That and the fact it’s only the DUP from the North with leverage - headbangers and all as they are

Sinn Fein voters leave themselves vunerable to that, they also knew what they were voting for

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You could burn a lot of Ash for £2bn


(In)actions have consequences I suppose. At least the common Shinner knows that Leo and his buddies are in the room - doing the real hard yards for Ireland. MaryLou for an oul testy student-politic type press release but you need adults to get it done.


It looks like the DUP are getting fucked overboard anyway, delighted for the fucking apes. Now Johnson has to find the numbers to replace them, he thinks they are possibly in a splinter group from Labour. What a fucking mess they’ve gotten themselves into. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so serious. Actually it’s still funny.

John Bruton will be fucking sick when it turns out that Fine Gael are ones to end the United Kingdom


Ah don’t let the cat out of the bag yet - there could be Brexit type MPs browsing TFK. Anyway, it’ll still be a United Kingdom, just a little bit smaller

The Scots will go mental when they see the deal the North is about the get

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1000 days since the assembly sat in NI.

Absolutely - there’ll be another independence vote there in the next couple of years surely.

Surely there would be more of a push for a border poll/UI if there was a hard brexit and a complete mess in the north? Plus the brits would blame the north for the shit show which would follow. We’d be collateral damage but we will be anyway.

If the 6 counties get a foot in both camps and it brings about a financial and economic windfall then a border poll and UI would be more unlikely.

What has changed to the contrary?

You cant count on the DUP to keep their word on anything - not even after the deal is done.

Just for the craic, Sinn Fein should make a statement now saying they welcome this huge step towards a united ireland.



You can count on them to be bought off though.

This is true.