BREXIT thread

I hope the north of England and Wales are crushed by Brexit.

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Which side is that aimed at I wonder.

You’d be tempted to say it’s quite appropriate that today’s meeting is taking place at Chequers because there’s an idea out there that that’s what the Brits are playing compared to the EU’s chess, but in reality the Brits are much more like a team in the World Cup who are demanding to be allowed handle the ball during games.

Their internal feuding is about whether or not they will demand to be allowed punch and kick the opposition in the face as well. Britain awaits with bated breath who will win that pointless argument, with long debates about who will prevail between the “moderate” handling advocates and the “hardline” handlers, punchers and kickers.

Whoever wins that particular argument isn’t of much interest to FIFA, sorry, the EU, as the answer will be the same either way.

I’m sure this has been mentioned but if not…

The forums biggest uncle Tom hoping England is destroyed


They are shitholes that are already crushed .

Course you do. You’d rather live in a world where unelected beurocrats make the laws and lessen the work load. The real reason the Oirish fear Brexit working out is it will show up the eu scam for what it really is and we might have to make tough decisions

Who appoints the EU Commission?

Not voters anyway

Elected Governments.

Who elects our Taoiseach and cabinet?

Exactly the commissioners are unelected- thank you.

Why can’t you answer the question I asked you?

It’s irrelevant and not any rebuttal of my assertion. The eu commission is unelected despite the tenuous link between being appointed by elected representatives. Judges are also appointed but the enact laws not make them, the eu commission is undemocratic.

Of course it is relevant.

You elect TDs who form a Government. You do not elect the Taoiseach.

Democratically elected governments appoint Commissioners.

Democratic deficit is bluster talked by fools. The UK is likely going to paying in the future for market access with no say on its form- apparently that’s a great victory for the people.

The biggest issue with European institutions and a democratic deficit is the role of ECB, which is moot in the context of Brexit.

We have a deal.

The UK have a deal.
With themselves.


Sounds like a sell out of the 17m plus who voted for independence

David Davis has RESIGNED as Secretary for the Very Stupid Thing That Must Happen At All Costs.

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