Brian Lenihan has died

or something similar, he has been rushed to hospital and is going under the knifeā€¦

16/12/2009 - 12:30:51
The Finance Minister Brian Lenihan has been taken to hospital this afternoon for surgery.

Mr Lenihanā€™s spokesperson says he has been taken in for a minor procedure that was brought forward.

It is understood he will be out of work for a number of days.

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Heaven forbid(touch wood he doesnā€™t) if he was to pass away during the proceedure, could I claim this as a TFK exclusive???

Let us pray.

Statistically itā€™s more likely for them to fuck up a minor operation during the Christmas period, for example the husband of a cousin of mine went in for a gall bladder operation just before Christmas once, they ended up killing him. I think they were hungover.

Could explain where NCC has beenā€¦

I know Runt is behind this somehow. He hates Christmas.

Not similar at all Puke. :smiley:


Ah yes, I forgot about this thread Runt, I just recalled not seeing one around over the Christmas period when the news came out about his cancer scare. My apologies. I presume Dunph will be along to merge the threads in due course.