British Politics

The blueshirt brethren would only love to clean the toilet’s for their Tory overlords.

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In Dublin a lot of the Europeans that come to work for Facebook and Google don’t have any English stating out.

If Dominic Cummings thinks that the smack heads of Glasgow and Liverpool are going to be retrained for that then good luck to him.

He’s not dismantling the welfare state though, in fact the new Tory strategy is to be more centralist to try and hang on to their new northern seats. That’s what British business wants at the moment also, not that Johnsin gives a fuck.

Good. I don’t like English who state “out”.

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How are you going to encourage the economically inactive to work?

A wealth tax.


There’s already loads of them.

The country is awash with unemployed ex FFG TDs, they are draining the states resources with their parachute handouts, I’m sure their beloved UK would welcome them with open arms

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Really? Name these “wealth taxes”, so.

Glad to see you believe in BoJo.

Property taxes, pensions, Nob principal residents levy etc

I’m interested in your new idea, are we going to open up the Sunday Times Rich List and tax them all 1% of the magic number?

I know you didn’t bother reading that Piketty book you read so save the cliff notes.

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They aren’t wealth taxes.

You could do without the sarcasm, it only further exposes you catching yourself out.

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Anything that taxes capital is.

Most of the ideas around a large scale wealth tax are unworkable. I heard Sanders people say the IRS have lots of info on people already so you won’t be all that complicated, that shows a serious ignorance of the info out there. Pikkety’s entire idea requires a global overhaul of pretty much everything, it’s as aspirational as perfect competition.

I think there are other wealth taxes we could employ certainly but i has to laugh at David McWilliams suggestion we could raise incremental taxes of “€2bn to €20bn” per annum on wealth here on taxes of a few percent. Firstly, which is the number there, it’s a huge range, and secondly, is he seriously suggesting there is trillions in assets in Ireland not taxed at this point?

I’m all for higher inheritance taxes (to a point, they need to be efficient) and even taking over/breaking up some of those tech platforms, but the wealth tax is unworkable.

There is, it’s called the hedge fund industry, but that’s besides the point. McWilliams doesn’t give any thought to anything he says, so neither should anyone else


You waited two days to give a wrong answer that nobody will read to a question that you didn’t understand.

Get fucked.

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Not in Ireland.

I’ve been busy.

“Wrong answer”- I would just like you to put forward an original post on the matter.

We are likely far more aligned on the need to stop these mega billionaires hording wealth than you think.

I did two days ago. It stumped you.

No you haven’t.

That’s me told anyway.