British Politics

Has the death in recent days of the creator of Copy, Cut and Paste, Larry Tesler, stopped you in your tracks a bit Sidney? A period of mourning maybe. You were always good for one when you didn’t have a point to make.

Who’s Sidney?

Sure haven’t you been copying and pasting your opinions for your entire e-career? Which is why you’re so easily caught out.

Very similar strategy to dearly departed member Sidney here, the “I know you are but what am I” tactic.

Let’s hope you don’t similarly replicate him and have a mental breakdown over an Internet forum.

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It seems to be yourself that’s having the mental breakdown here given that you’re trying to converse with a poster no longer on the site.

I think you need to re read that last post and try again.

I don’t think I do but shure whatever you think yourself.

Fuck sake

Over 100 suicides due to targetted benefit cuts by the Tories over the last decade. The Tories will no doubt be of the view that the Department of Work and Pensions are not meeting their pushing people to suicide targets.

Remember that Russia report? Never published. Never will be.

Britain is a subsidiary of Putin Inc. There were lads here who breathlessly told us after the election that “Boris will tack to the centre!” Not gonna happen, not gonna happen.

Nothing says Stalinist purges like a batshit crazy right wing government.

Poor Priti is in a bit of trouble but Boris backs her.

Good call @Sidney. :clap:

This woman is now Britain’s Foreign Secretary!

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I see the misogyny crew are out. This will surely smoke @flattythehurdler out


The aul ESG ratings will surely go up anyway.

The British cabinet is now the most diverse in the world. That will drive a few of the usual suspects absolutely mental



I’m so envious. The Brits will be able to order pints of beer, not like in Ireland where under EU tyranny we can only order 568ml glasses.

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