British Politics

It’s important to understand those who historically rejected European integration and how it informed the arguments of 2016.

They may have ultimately come from Tories but the primary economic arguments came from the left of Michael Foote and Tony Benn back in the day.

The nationalist style of argument came from bigots like Enoch Powell and Provisional Sinn Féin.

Yup. The Officials were anti it too.

The unions will love this

Rules can punish UK families with 96% effective tax rate | News | The Times (


I can’t quite understand this tbh. It must be on a small proportion of your income. They’ve tied child benefit in somehow.

Any thoughts on the OBE/MBE/CME awards @ChairmanDan

Some of the sporting ones are very underwhelming


They must have been keeping a few aside for Southgate and Kane but they’re no longer needed.

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A well deserved CBE for Pat Jennings

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Paid for promo. I wonder how much she bunged Laura keunssberg. I suspect she was four grand and a couple of champions League tickets.

I thought you were joking :confused:

That couple are some piece of work.

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The Tory way.

I’d give her one

Possibly but I wouldn’t let her supply the condom.


You’d hardly be that concerned if you knocked her up? I doubt she’d be looking for Child Support from you.

I was alluding to the quality of her PPE.I actually don’t think this liason will ever happen.