British Politics

It was outstanding. Sir Kier started well goading Johnson in but Boris slowly gained the upper hand thanks to a lot of silliness from the Speaker of the House before Starmer rallied and ended it with a brutal uppercut that left Bojo reeling on the floor. Then Ian Blackford came on and I switched back to the Racing Channel

Top quality fare all round you wouldn’t get it in Leinster House


The speaker is a dick.
Thick as a banker’s wallet.


Garlic bread??

Sir Kier is on :fire:

Lindsay the Speaker is a great bit of stuff

You would have to say that Labour should walk the next election.

Hardly surprising, explains a lot.

The Gover is some operator.

No wonder she walked like an alsatian with a tennis ball up its hole

The gover may need to be handy with a pool ball in a sock if they ever have a proper look at the ppe contracts.


Did they get the blue passports yet?

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Where the fuck did you pull that from? :grinning:

God be with the days when we had Kevin Street Sinn Fein and Gardiner Place Sinn Fein. I think Kevin St were the Provos and Gardiner Place were the Officials.