British Politics

She offered that (after Parliament had voted against a second vote), it got shut down.

Says it all.

And it was rejected! It needed to get through Parliament.

I think she made a number of significant strategic blunders but it was basically an impossible ask (which she signed up for).

I’m not suggesting she is immune from criticism and wasn’t awful, just that she needs to be considered separately from the other two.

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She was by any measure a terrible and embarrassing PM. Just because they plumbed new depths after doesn’t mean she was ok.

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She could easily have got it through if she was in any way competent. Her main aim was keeping the PM Jag. Everything else was secondary.
She appeased the vile and the mad, and look what happened.

Agreed. It’s like saying your child isn’t that bad because he or she isn’t boy A or boy B.

I never said she was okay.

Go back to it, she was being squeezed by hardline Brexiteers and Remainers.

To have a drink ready certainly indicates a certain amount of preparation…you could almost say they were making plans for Nigel(one for the music geeks of a certain vintage there)


Did they ever catch the wan who drenched Leo?

That’s Nidge. You either love him or hate him.

Ok, as fagan says, you have an opinion you’re welcome to. I disagree.
Anyhow we tis all the wan now.

You said she was relatively competent. She wasn’t.

This poll was done before Farage’s announcement yesterday. It’s anybody’s guess who the next Tory leader will be because there will be so few Tory MPs left.

I’d say the Lib Dems getting more seats than the Tories is a live possibility at this stage.

Not much sign of the far right polling strongly.
Honestly, I think the concern is more than there may be no realistic opposition.

It’s a given Labour will have a massive majority.

Reform were already polling well before Farage’s announcement. No polls have been conducted since then.

Rishi Sunak and the rest of the Tories are in the sort of headspace of the voters where every TV appearance they make will lose them more votes. Except for the lovely Victoria Atkins, who was looking lovely again on Channel 4 News tonight.

Farage and co. really have killed the Tories. What must the Gover think about it all?

Poor start from Sunak.

The Gover is doing a runner

I’m not watching the ITV debate between Sunak and Starmer but from surfing around the INTERNET the reaction in running seems very negative towards both protagonists, slightly more negative towards Starmer if anything.

In the last Irish election there was a poll which put Fianna Fail on 32%, in a clear lead. Around the same time there was a two way debate between Leo Varadkar and Micheál Martin which was considered extremely “dry” and generated a very negative social media reaction.

Almost immediately, Sinn Fein started to rise in the polls.

I suspect the Farage factor will work in a somewhat similar manner to Sinn Fein’s rise in Ireland in 2020.