British Politics

Sure lookit, you’re as entitled to your opinion as any of us.

I don’t think it will. In any case there’s a reasonable prospect that SKS will bring in PR in which case it’s less relevant

Do you seriously think any politician could have done a good job with what she was left with?

There is a reason why Britain’s relationship with the EU is not a campaign discussion point in this election campaign.

She obviously deserves criticism. Her personality flaws and mediocre political judgement likely would have shown up in time in normal circumstances (and did with the disaster that was the 2017 campaign) but Johnson and Truss really are out there in historic terms.

Brexit was undoubtedly built on the back of anti immigration sentiment, some racist, some not. It was also swung by apathy and a general protest vote against anything, and lubricated by the ignorance of the electorate.
It wasn’t the ringing endorsement of UKIP that they claim it was, hence their polling at about 12%


She was an idiot and she willingly surrounded herself with idiots like Sir Geoffrey Cox. That’s my read of it. If you believe differently I’m happy that you can have your own opinion.

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Id agree re Johnson and truss, but you’re comparing her to the absolute dregs in terms of morality and lunacy respectively.
She drew the red lines.
She was a divisive, dithering, feeble PM.

Strong and stable.
Theresa May Dance GIF by EDM Authority

I don’t think it was possible not to surround herself with such people. She also had David Lidington and David Gauke who were very impressive politicians. That was the reality of trying to govern in a Brexit world with the Tory party as it was.

I am not saying she was a good leader either. I think in normal times that she’d have been bottom of the rung, more so that she was in an impossible position.

I think a clear distinction should be drawn between herself and Boris Johnson (who needs no introduction) and Liz Truss (who crashed the economy in an unprompted manner never seen before).

Well quite, I think a clear distinction should be drawn with those two.

As I say you are totally entitled to your opinion

Do you have the one with the letters falling off the sign behind her when she is making a speech.

Here I found it.

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All of that applies to the far right everywhere.

All of it applies to Farage and to his Reform UK vehicle.

You about tomorrow morning?

Only if there is a coalition. Not in Labour’s interest long term.

She should never have gone to the country. Blew her majority and made herself a hostage of the Unionists and the awkward squad.

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She should have reframed the Brexit vote after a lengthy consultation exercise, and reheld it, but she was a coward.

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Or thrown it out after an investigation into the (fairly clear) fraudulent behaviour.

Realistic though? We have to separate what you want and what was realistic.

Ultimately a softer Brexit that she had negotiated was torpedoed.

She deserves a hell of a lot of criticism for not getting a majority but you could see in the votes that she was always going to struggle.

Of course it was realistic. She could have said, right you’ve voted for Brexit but now need to vote on what you meant, framed it as ultimate democracy, and cut the headbangers off at the knees.
She apparently very nearly did call another referendum in any case.
She had neither finesse nor courage, diplomacy nor strength.