British Politics

Sunak is absolutely hapless. The Tories have truly lost the plot for now.

The reform proposal… Spend 141m and look for “potential” savings of 146m to pay for it.

How big is the UK budget anyway? Range 1 to 1.5 billions perhaps?

Just as well they won’t get a sniff of government. They would ruin us with the resulting FX and interest rates for trade and NI

Sunak is being hammered over leaving the D-day went early - WTF was he thinking?

Ireland is pushing a 100 billion so you might be a shade off there. Then again, they have fallen a long way.

Just goes to show he has no clue about the Tory electorate

Mea culpa on the illions.

1 to 1.5 trillion. A joke party to redistribute 10% or so of the national spend. But it does not matter.

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Starting to suspect Rishi is deliberately trying to destroy the Tories
If so hes doing a fine job

Farage will hand more seats to Labour than he’ll win. He has plenty of time to balls things up also.

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Farage will be very happy to hand seats to Labour. This is about destroying the Tories.

Rishi Sunak:

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He’s an attention seeker, that’s all

They said that about Trump too. They say that about all these charlatans. He’s an attention seeker and he’s far, far, far worse than that.

The real villains of the piece…


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Fucking brilliant

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Reform leading the Tories in this poll:

Labour down 4-5 points over the last week, still if those results were as above it would be a massive landslide

The tories will rip themselves apart now

In 1997 Labour were regularly hitting 55% in the opinion polls in the run up to the election but on the day they got only 43.2%. There was real enthusiasm for a prospective Labour government, but their vote still tailed off quite a bit on the day, obviously it was still plenty to win a landslide, but they got less votes in absolute numbers than John Major had managed five years previously.

There’s none of that enthusiasm this time. Labour only lead by default because the Tories are so awful.

I think there is still quite a bit of scope for the Labour vote to tail off for a few reasons - i) lack of real enthusiasm ii) among left wing voters the assumption that Labour will win and that it is safe to vote for a left wing candidate in the knowledge that Labour will win the election anyway, iii) Starmer performing poorly in debates and media, iv) a sort of weird herd effect where people sort of want an election to be close and exciting for spectator sport purposes, v) a lot of Labour voters will be tempted by Farage.

Reform could run the Tory vote down so far though that Labour do win a ridiculous majority on a relatively low vote share of 36-38% or thereabouts.

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Where are Reform pulling their vote from?
I assume it’s primarily the Tories.
I’m not into the vagries of politics over there, but I can’t imagine Labour, Lib Dems, SDP or Greens hemorrhaging too many votes that far right.

So using that simplistic analysis, if they weren’t in existence Labour and Tories are essentially tied in this poll.

That seems insane.