British Politics

Knuckle dragging morons and flag shaggers.

A lot of the same people in midlands and northern constituencies who traditionally voted Labour but switched to the Tories under Johnson last time, and who would be planning to go back to Labour this time, they will be very tempted by Farage, definitely next time if not this time.

The brits will fuck out the government they don’t want. And then they’ll get a government they don’t want either

“I always voted Labour”

“Enoch Powell had right idea”

“I mean you’re not English”

Listening to a playback of LBC here from 11:21 this morning and there’s a man on the line calling Keir Starmer a Marxist agitator.

@TheUlteriorMotive sounds a lot different than I imagined. He sounds like Stanley Johnson. Actually that makes sense given the Krokes links.

People with eyes who see immigration destroying their country for the past 20 years

Shut up, you stupid cunt. No one is interested in what a personality-disorderd Bitcoin Del Boy Trotter thinks.

By the way, where does your wife rate in terms of those sticky Pamela Anderson posters? When you took an hour off from gaming?

Poorly, no doubt. Pamela made you feel special.

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Good to see you’ve swallowed a classic deflection technique employed by the right

Leads to here

Drunk Head First GIF by Barstool Sports

Yeah, the far right have fooled me in to the most obvious reality anyone can see who doesn’t swallow the most shit liberal propaganda pushed down pur throats daily.

You’re a fat headed bitter old man who literally lied about women he slept with about to appear a big man on the internet. You sad bastard. You haven’t an original thought in your head… same opinion as every shit ‘journalist’ in the British isles, the type of lightweight who thinks George Monbiot is sticking it to the man. Get fucked you waste of skin.

Reading the first three quotes makes the fourth one very funny in a “laughing at him, not with him” way.

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Shut up, you stupid line manager’s arse-licking Bitcoin-centred useless cunt.

What did you fantasize about, conceiving the children, on your devoted wife? Pamela, all sticky? Pamela covered in dollar bills? Did you not realize that craic makes the children tainted?

I love the way stupid vulgarian cunts like you and the other ladeen are obsessed by my every word. The way the other lad has my posts followed is terrible and awful amusing.

Birds of a lather. Ye both have dirty genes, as the lad found out. He thinks life is a survival of the fittest. Life has a way of being ironic for malign fuckwits.

He’s a literal crypto-fascist?

What I find fascinating about @Enrique is he wishes to identify as an American, and calls the US “the greatest country on earth”. This would be the same country that is the most obvious example on earth of a country which has been formed by mass immigration.

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No one’s obsessed with you, you delusional clown. I remember it because it was extremely funny that a sad old bastard like you actually went on the internet saying this shit. Stuff thirteen year olds make up to their friends. Again, you’re a fat headed bitter old man with the same shite takes as George Monbiot. I couldn’t a fuck about you except to laugh at you occasionally.

Would you not just change your user name to @Enoch and get it over with rather than having a horrible foreign Spanish sounding name like @Enrique?

Did your ancestors hawk oranges around Seville? Or do you model yourself on the “patriots” of Seville Place these days?

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Ah yeah…

Old… Fat headed… Drink…

Carry on. You are to imagination what Eddie The Eagle was to ski slopes.

And, and… You are a stupid brainless cunt who ended up making a few pound by licking hole after being a gamer nerd. Well done. You made the most of yourself. The only thing about which I would be curious is whether your father or your mother was the cause.

I’m quarter Mexican American

Fackin’ immigrant, fack off

Farage is some piece of work, but he’s still getting away with it.