British Politics

Me or Starmer? :face_with_monocle:

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A winner. The Lib Dems Cambodian branch is very happy.


Not really in fairness. It’s a reflection of the fptp system. The greens are in such a way because once a candidate has no earthly chance, people won’t vote for them because it’s just wasted. I voted green once, and the candidate got 200 votes, so I didn’t again. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. It’s the system that is at the root of this. PR would actually smooth a lot of problems, and be a lot fairer


Be a lot more reform types elected though you’d think

If that’s what the country want, that’s just democracy. Better than the current system fir sure. It would have neutered reform/BNP at birth had it been in years ago.

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So the Lib Dems increase their share of the vote by less than 1% and go from 8 to 71 MPs.

Tactical voting innit

Ian Og gone, only to be replaced by Elmer Fudd.

How would that happen?

That’s a fairly big error on their seats alright and haven’t seen much commentary on it since the initial reactions about the high predictions.

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A huge win for comprehensive school education.

Truss ran into an iceberg.

Is that about a 66/1 winner?

Nigel Farage and Jim Allister had some sort of voting pact.

Scum attracts scum obviously,

It’s a mental system. Labour getting a HUGE majority despite being on 40% or so.

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The Brits would not be able to get their heads around “PR voting” unlike the most sophisticated electorate in the world here


Labour got 34% which was only an increase of 2%, the Tories dropped 20% down to 24% but most of that seems to have gone to Reform and others.

Total voter turnout was 60%.

If it was PR the British voters would mistakenly give douze points to the candidate they wanted to win.

Sunak about to resign as Tory leader. There’s rain in the air.

Ah, Sunak is a decent guy really but the Tory party is a mess and he couldn’t turn it around after Boris and Truss shambles.

Corbyn got 32.3% and 40% in his two elections. And more than 10m votes.
Starmer will have 34% and less than 10m votes and wins overwhelmingly.