Bruce Springsteen thread

Your inability to read and understand the English language is a sad indictment on the education that you received.

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It is dogshit.


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Free tickets and booze but if you paid …

Play indoors or do the hits. Playing for 4 hours is self indulgent nonsense

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Quit whinging so, pal.

Passing comment for TFK


Patti is starting to look rough

Holy fuck Bono is on stage, you lucky bastard @TheUlteriorMotive

Missed that. It was rubbish.
Hard to admit if you paid for it but it was dogshit

As expected.

Sang their old Stable ‘because the night’. Christ I’d say that was electric.

Mate of mine just posted a pic of himself in a pub in Dublin with Bruce in the background, what pub was he in?

If you want to see The Roaster in his natural habitat a Springsteen gig is the spot. Lads milling the 7 euro burgers out of it while lamping pints in plastic glasses.I saw one lad in the jacks wearing standard roaster attire Sensible brown shoes, boot-cut jeans, blue striped shirt and inexplicably a PLO scarf. The.crowd was moving at a snails pace on the way out of the Cusack because of all the roasters stopping to look up at the sky at the helicopters.with their mouths open
Disturbingly enough me.and the missus blended in seamlessly.


It was Roaster convention time in Croke Park alright. The amount of gobshites in their GAA jerseys. I can report

  1. It was fuckin loud. They seemed to try and fix the sound issues by turning it up to 11. This didn’t work.
  2. Bruce is getting old but still does a great show.
  3. Bono is a cunt. A talent less cunt.
  4. The smell of BO of the roasters next to us would knock you over.
  5. Even though we had to join the que at noon I would do it again in the morning.
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FFS sake

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Its FF Sake Or FFS. Not both.

The missus was the fan in the beginning. I hated Born in the USA album when it came out and thought Springsteen a cunt, (this was reinforced at the time when he refused to do Live Aid). I never paid him a thought until the now missus introduced me to Darkness on The Edge of Town, Nebreska, Born to Run and Greetings from Asbury Park. It was some of the music we listed to during our dating period. She saw him live first in Slane and then in 92 in the states. I refused to do this cueing for hours shite for the first 5 times and I relented when he came to Limerick. I did it then and I have to say it increased my enjoyment of the show no end.
I have attended shows walking up in the past and the cunts at the back have no fuckin interest in the music. They would rather drink piss out of plastic glasses and play with their phones updating their facebook pages. No It the cue for me from now on.


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That little cunt wearing the Cavan jersey. :rage:

He was on the big screens every two minutes.

Overall I enjoyed it. No skangers, grand evening, a few pints.

Wouldn’t be rushing back again though. €100 for a pitch standing ticket was plenty, actually more than plenty. Nice to see him live once, can’t understand these loons who have seen him multiple times.

The worst thing was cunts screaming “Bruuuuuuce” after every song finished. On first name terms ffs, worse than Kilkenny fan Tom Dempsey going on about Henry, Tommy and Jackie.

I could say the same about the same about going to see Limerick FC

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Don’t forget the chalk!