Budget 2019

What about the one Phil Hogan leaked?

What about when we used to have to give in our homework to the Germans to check before we read it out in class?

Pascal strikes me as a water sipper

Sipping water wouldnā€™t be as out of the norm as a player eating a pie on the subs bench for a FA Cup match :grinning:

The cunts leaked the Scally Report on the cervical screening scandal before the actual victims were briefed. Leo tut tutted like it was someone elseā€™s responsibility. Leaking budget details is small beer to these lads.

Thatā€™s happening with the last 7/8 years. When was the last genuine shock budget announcement?

Last one I can remember is Charlieā€™s ā€œif I have it, i will spend itā€ McGreevey announcing the Decentralisation programme. :slight_smile:

I heard there is talk of them bringing in some tax incentive for Landlords who sell their properties with the Tenant in situ. I donā€™t know how that would work, I was talking with an estate agent and they said that Landlords purchasing the property prefer it without a tenant so that they can get their own tenants in.

I couldnā€™t see why a landlord wouldnā€™t want to buy a property with a tenant in it, saves them money, they dont have to do up the property till the tenant moves out and they have revenue coming in right away rather than having to advertise and get new tenants.

Because if they are empty they can jack the rent

Tis mild enough today too.

2 sips in approx 43 minutes :laughing:

A tenner on 3 or more is the bet.

The limits on this market are higher than Bolivian tennisā€¦

Go way there and find us a video of budget 2018 and see if heā€™s a sipper

If Charlieā€™s decentralisation worked you wouldnā€™t be paying 1800 euro a month of a bedsit in Dublin. Charlie knew.

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I admit Charlieā€™s decentralisation was a good idea but why did it fail? I thought the Culchies in the civil service would be delighted to be able to move back to where they are from and pay cheaper living costs.

It failed because like all things in this country it was parish pumped. Sending isolated offices down to Caherciveen and the likes, rather than sending clusters of associated services to large towns or other cities. Also rather than move an entire department somewhere in some cases they split it up and moved pieces to different places. So it became even more unwieldy than before

Wasnā€™t that when we had control over monetary and fiscal policy .