Busted Flushes - The Joe Schmidt story 🐐

Atmosphere sounded unreal

Don’t remember a whole lot about it tbh. Apart from the wind. I’d say it is right up there with one of the strongest winds I’ve ever seen at a match

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Thats a big statement with Tipp involved, mate. :smile:

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It is but I was only a young Jedi at that stage. The defeats of 88, 89, 90 and the hammering of 91 made me aware of how dark the dark side actually was. Made 95 and 96 all the sweeter.

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Go to bed you

It’s morning

Off to the early risers thread with you then.

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Mattie Kenny

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Greg Kennedy

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Seamie Harnedy.

Bill Cooper.

Feel a bit sorry for Wexford’s John Meyler though. Always comes across as a decent guy.

They are too clannish and parochial to accept an outsider. He was always on a hiding to nothing taking that job.


You’d never be accepted in Cork, never

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I heard before the match today that there’s some issues in the Cork backroom team.

The voice of experience?

That little bollix Fraggy won’t be jumping around sidelines anymore this summer.


Somehow, I don’t think he’s too bothered

You’d see him at Mass of a Sunday, he’s the gatch of a man who is at peace with himself


You just came into my head while chatting on the phone with my ma (from Barrack st)

She was telling me about the fella of my cousin who’s not pulling his weight with their first baby,
‘I thought he was a nice fella before like, his surname is ********* (not a Cork surname), he was born in Cork but his parents aren’t from Cork at all

There’s your explanation :grin:

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Eoin Cadagon.

At least he has the football medal.