Busted Flushes - The Joe Schmidt story 🐐

None of your business pal.

Gutless wonder.

Weird you want to know where fully matured men are from . How about you mind your own fucking business for once

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Sounds like you’ve got something to hide Hooch

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No not really, it’s just strange behaviour on a Monday morning

Methinks you protest too much.

Methinks you’re a lurk. Truly is odd chasing personal details off strangers.

As you were pal.

Your cards are marked.

Haha! Oh yeah? And why’s that?

Not a busted flush.

:grin: How cute.

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Once a red…

I’m shit at the oul search function. Would it be possible for somebody to find the last post of our fanboy wonder’s last post on any of the United threads? I know there was posts from Stockholm…maybe one or two when Ole first started driving the bus?

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The limerick senior hurling squad.

Joe’s got a book to plug so he’s called in a few favours from Montrose and scruffy thornley to help him shift copies of his essay on failure

Let’s bookmark this one.


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You’d wonder what sort of tool would buy and read this book though I noticed a lady on the bus the other night engrossed in Richie Sadliers book