Busted Flushes - The Joe Schmidt story 🐐

Is that a quote from Vodafone Ireland?

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One Paddy Jackson took to heart

So is Joe using a corporate tag line as a motivational quote?

Either he is, or the book publisher or ghost writer is

€20 for a book containing Joe’s wisdom, sponsored by Vodafone. And it’ll probably top the Christmas charts. I’ll probably end up with a copy of it off someone myself :joy:

Jesus joe schmidt has a heap of the Irish journalists absolutely seething

Joe wrote it himself


Ruaidhri is doing some heel-turn of late

In fairness if someone bought me a copy of that book for Christmas I don’t think I’d ever talk to them again.


The carbery story has seriously pissed off the likes of him and cumoski. They are seething.

at least scruffy thornley is still wedged firmly between joes arse cheeks. four stories from him yesterday in the times with excerpts for joes big book of failure.

I think we know who the ghost writer was so.

What about Eoin Larkin’s?

What’s the Carberry story? And why has it pissed off some Polish lad?

Wait till you see the sales of it it. It probably won’t be far off Roy Keane’s book sales I bet. Some amount of fellas will get it as a pressie Xmas morning whether they like it or not

Essentially joe said in private carbery was asked to join Ulster if he wanted to be a ten in the future due to lack of game time. Carbery said no. There was a misunderstanding of sorts and he was not a part of the Leinster 23 the following weekend. A few of the journos got wind of the story and reported carbery as being very unhappy at Leinster which he wasn’t. Basically joe said if it was not for the papers finding out and reporting it was unlikely Munster would have ever tried to sign him. I’ve shortened this down a bit but the extract is on Twitter. A lot of the Leinster based journalists have peddled the agenda that Joe forced him to move to Leinster. It’s fairly amusing as cumoski has been seething for months over carbery leaving and is even deleting tweets now over it.

I put a message into the family whatsapp yday warning anyone off buying it for me


This has been a difficult break up for you.