Busted Flushes - The Joe Schmidt story 🐐

The United Kingdom

I predicted 359-199 mate

That was pretty close

@Sidney gets it right yet again

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Mickey Martin.


Amen. A day to savour

He’s been a busted flush a long time now. Just shows how bad things are in FF.

I can’t wait to see what ape they pick next

Dara Calleary, Michael McGrath and Niall Collins fighting it out

Darragh O Brien. A slìbhìn. He’ll be fighting tooth and nail for a Dublin Don to redegenerate the party.

Timmy Dooley is the man to reignite FF.

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Oh, Timmy! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Big Jim the Republican employee

Joan Burton

It’ll have to be a “woke” candidate and considering how in touch FF are with the electorate they’ll more than likely go with Jack Chambers

Sense looking at the tallies nationwide that Fine Gael better placed to emerge with the largest number of seats, albeit narrowly.

Ruth Coppinger.


Timmy Dooley

I wonder did he make a huge effort knowing that he would probably get nominated ??

All the odd little men in the TFK misogyny crew will be delighted.

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Ruth Coppinger is a nasty piece of work and gives socialism a bad name.

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Covid 19.

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Liverpool FC