Busted Flushes - The Joe Schmidt story 🐐

As always, the story doesn’t match the headline.

Who cares what those nobodies thought - he got a standing ovation and some BOD bantz on the Late Late.

Another sign of the wide streak of pathetic attention and approval craving which comprises a significant plank of the current Irish psyche.
For some reason, a swathe of the population are determined that Joe Schmidt thinks we are the bestest ever.
Frankly fucking bizarre behaviour.
He was an above average coach who had a breakdown whenever confronted with a proper competitive international match.
Gatland is twice the coach, and we fcuked him disgracefully up the ass and have behaved like petulant teenagers toward him since.


Joe Schmidt says Rory Best didnt mean what he said :grinning:

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Rory Best is a man of very questionable character.

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Joe says it’s the media’s fault. Joe is a ham.

Why do you say that?

A great man to give a character reference however

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He says he got a text from Best. “He feels that inadvertently he may have said things in the wrong manner.”


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Joe taking shot after shot



Looks like the proud and faithful fans have turned on Kiwi Joe,

Joe overachieved with Itejand won a few championships and maintained our quartet final streak

The rubby set must protect their image. Joe was great when he was inside the tent but now he’s outside, he’s the scapegoat.

Operation hype up the players for 4 years has begun


Didn’t some Gloucester coach drop a game plan in a taxi before the ‘miracle’ match in 03.

It was swiftly passed on.

The idea now that Ireland would have done any better at RWC 2019 with Zebo in the squad is utter gas .


He has a longer kick than Joey Carbery; he might have kicked it further up the line into touch to secure the bonus point vs Japan


I don’t think anyone is suggesting that. They’re questioning the selection process and policy.

Jeremy Corbyn

@Sidney and his political antennae.