Busted Flushes - The Joe Schmidt story šŸ

Harold ā€œThe Carthorseā€ Kane


Covid 19 Vaccines

I think youā€™re seriously underestimating how effective theyā€™re being at minimising the impact of COVID. Deaths and hospitalisations would be uncontrollable and weā€™d all be in permanent lockdown without them.


Itā€™s demoralising to see him being taken seriously.

For who?

We had no vaccines last year and the numbers were similar to winter flu season 17/18.

After we were in lockdown for around 80% of the year. Do you want to be in lockdown again?

I donā€™t think you have the slightest clue about what youā€™re talking about.

Lockdowns were utterly ineffective in stopping the spread of the virus. Covid peaked last year in countries and it dropped off in countries whether or not they imposed strict lockdowns and draconian restrictions.

You seem to be petrified of a virus that is not in anyway a threat to people who are fit and healthy and u40.

I know of a number of extremely fit people under 40 who have been very badly affected by covid. Over a year later the effect is still ā€œlife-changingā€ and they donā€™t know if they will be able to return to have what they consider a normal life in the future.

Itā€™s possible to take a different view on how to respond to the pandemic or to the level of risk or the scale of the threat, but you shouldnā€™t tell outright lies.

I only deal in data.

Iā€™ve linked information here.




So where you deal with anecdotal and prejudiced stories, I deal with detailed, publicly available official govt information which contradicts what youā€™re spouting. You should try and be honest for a change.


A friend of the family was never sick in her life and got a serious dose of it. Sheā€™s still suffering six months later. In her mid 20s. Thatā€™s one of any, many stories I could regale you with.

Comparing the flu to COVID is like comparing a rash on your sack to HIV.

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UK Govt funded evidence?



My friend was never admitted to hospital. A year and a half later she still has a serious heart condition caused by covid.

I would say thatā€™s a threat to a fit under 40 year old person.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is at 6s and 7s the last few months.

Firstly Covid is no threat to young people, next Tyrone canā€™t play a football game because of the effects of Covid.

First heā€™s not anti vaxx, now heā€™s saying the vaccines arenā€™t having any effect.


Heā€™s afraid of needles. Itā€™s just a little prick.

Ah ya, the flu is a joke. Just ask the family of Christopher Colhoun.

You flu deniers are utterly tone deaf.

Wrong. I said the fact that Tyrone couldnā€™t collectively train in the build up to the match was the issue. More misinformation from the vaccine fascists. I think Tyrone showed that Covid has little impact on fit and healthy young people. Keep tying yourself in knots you wimpleton.

Anecdotal evidence. Whatā€™s the link to Covid anyway? Have they been vaccinated?

Are you a flu denier?

What are you on about. It sounds like youā€™re just shouting random words.

You may not consider covid a big threat to fit people under 40 but to say it is no threat is incorrect. Donā€™t overstate your case and try not to lie.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy works for M15 :open_mouth: