Busted Flushes - The Joe Schmidt story 🐐

I’m asking you how do you know the problems stem from Covid?

Has that person being vaccinated?

Prejudiced, anecdotal stories aren’t going to cut it I’m afraid.

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Their doctors say so.

What’s the relevance of vaccination status?

How have the doctors concluded that?

Their doctors, a woman has now turned into multiple people with multiple doctors?

Your fake story is unravelling.

Yes but flu causes myocarditis. Many viruses can. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is correct here. The evidence for “long covid” isn’t as yet compelling.
I’ll edit this to state that in my opinion it is foolish in the extreme not to be vaccinated.
Whether achieving herd immunity through vaccination is a moral obligation for individuals within the herd is an interesting and I think in essence unsolvable dilemma.


As does the vaccine.

Honestly, you’re a bigger eejit to be falling for his nonsense.



I’m not really.
The evidence for “long covid” though, is actually far less concrete than initially expected. That was more my point.

The combination of you using both anecdotal evidence and the Belfast Telegraph is wonderful in the extreme.

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That’s not anecdotal evidence mate.

That’s an article of a person, named, identified and concluded nationally to have died from flu. Christopher Colhoun, a 33 year old former Tyrone footballer. Who’s your family friend’s name?

Great that you think flu is a joke though.

I would consider flu and Covid similar for fit and healthy people, little threat to the general population in that demograph but can be very serious in remote cases. You seem to think flu cannot be serious for fit and healthy people.

A flu denier

If you say so. I personally know of two marathon runners still suffering over a year later.

One doesn’t know if she’ll be able to continue with her career -corportate lawyer - into the future. It has had life altering impacts.

It’s not common but it’s not so uncommon as to be completely dismissed. I really think you’d want to be very silly to be giving any credence to Fulvio’s tiresome nonsense.

Figures form CSO Ireland which show the vaccine is working. Will keep an eye for the October update.

Are you a doctor? How would you know the cause of their issue?

Questioning and denying every fact that doesn’t suit you is tiresome and silly.

Accept that what you said wasn’t true and try not to tell lies in the future.

Anecdotal stories are not facts.

This is why you are incapable of debating with in a mature manner.

Denying simple truths is not debating, it’s lying.

Covered this already.

I deal in facts, you deal in unverified, prejudiced anecdotal stories. You’re a child.

Vaccine working. You’re welcome.

Stop telling lies.

Vaccine not working.