Busted Flushes - The Joe Schmidt story 🐐

Reality is not personal. Another thing you don’t understand.

It is to you. You make up alternative facts for yourself to believe.

Nope. I’ve substantiated my position, posted up the information and linked the sources. If you have issue with them there’s a floor there for you to dispute them. Instead of that you’ve decided to sling mud. The reason behind that is you lack the intellect and integrity to take me on in a debate.

No I do. The tables show that the vaccine is working. It’s fairly simple.

I’m just not responding to the fudging that you’re attempting. That would be a silly thing to do. The numbers are on the tables and show that the vaccine is working. If you don’t like that then there’s little I can do about it.

Ho hum.

A bit like glas, empty statements won’t cut it. You’ve been asked a few questions on it and you clearly don’t know what you are talking about. The acid test has been carried out, you don’t know what you are talking about.

I do and no matter how much you keep trying to say the opposite it will never be the case.

The tables show that the vaccines are working. If you’ve an issue accepting that then I can’t help you further.

You keep repeating something and then you keep failing the test. If you know you can back it up, you’ve got the platform to show us but you keep failing.

It doesn’t matter that the truth is there in front of him, he’ll keep brazenly stating that up is down and black is white despite all evidence to the contrary.

There’s no test to fail.

The numbers show that mortality rates have fallen since the vaccine program started. The vaccine is working.

There is. You’ve been asked a simple question that someone who understands the data has been asked. You can’t answer it.

I’ve substantiated my position and provided sources and links. You’ve responded with anecdotes full of prejudice and then tried to play the victim when it’s pointed out. Hilarious you want to mention the word truth. You could enter a debate with me but you know I can weld you to the floor with facts and you’ve got nothing.

Don’t know what you’re trying to say here.

The simple fact of the matter is that mortality rates have dropped since the vaccine program started.

That is all that matters. Nothing else.

It’s pretty clear.

What are the actual number of hospitalisation cases and deaths in the Sep 2020 and Sep 2021.

I want the actual number of deaths rather than it manipulated per cases or per 100k. If you understand that data as you say you do, it should be no problem to supply that. If you can’t then I think it shows you’re a dolt.

See you know that the numbers for September are provisional, as they are for the data that you’re relying on, so you think you can muddy the waters by shouting about that.

All that matters is that the mortality rate fell as the number of vaccines administered increased. Simple as that.

Look mate, just pick up a bottle and smash it over someone’s head will ya? That last thing we need is someone making sense.


I’ve reluctantly come to the conclusion that the date on Saturday either didn’t go as well as previously described or Miss Murphy has forwarded a text beginning “is oth liom a rá” and she won’t be venturing forth with @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy in the immediate future.
He’s normally a rational individual :wink: but he’s devoted yesterday and today to endless, mindless arguments about Adams and vaccines. To me he’s venting on whomever has the energy and stamina for long warfare.


Could be a lot worse Boxty. Imagine the text started ’ thàinig mè ar suìomh idirlìona darb ainm ‘An Cic Saor…’


:flushed: You’re not wrong there.

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