Busted Flushes - The Joe Schmidt story 🐐

I’ve asked you if you can and you’re obfuscating.

That table doesn’t give the actual numbers, it gives a condensed, manipulated version of them. I’m pointing out that you keep referring to a table you don’t understand. The floor is yours if you want to display you actually can but you’re not forthcoming when you have the opportunity to do so.

If this was a boxing match, the referee would stop it not as you don’t seem to be in a position to defend yourself.

Clear as day. The vaccine is of little benefit to the vulnerable and its main benefit is the under 80 age group

Not clear as day.

22 more deaths in the u60s this year with the vast majority of them vaccinated compared to 0 last year where none of them were vaccinated.

Are you casting aspersions on your own cited UK government data. On a like for like comparison over the same sampling period the vaccine is of limited use to the vulnerable but reduces death per 100k for the under 80s.

He appears to be unhappy with all the data that is being provided on all sides of the argument, but is willing to accept anything that backs up his own madness funnily enough.

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what was the difference in lockdown measures between now and then? there are no measures up the north now right, versus lots back then. You’re comparing apples with combine harvesters because you have a jaundiced view.

the whole point of the vaccine is to open up with some measure of safety

Since Sunday. Restrictions have been in place until last Sunday when they were lifted.

You seem to be the one unhappy with the data as you can’t seem to address it truthfully.

On the contrary. I’m perfectly happy with the data and how I can analyse it and accept what it says.

Glad to clear that up for you.

If you look back over you’ll see that you’re the only one that engaged in childish name-calling.

That’s what you say, it’s easy to put that to the test.

The reality is you’ve been asked what are the actual numbers and you have been unable to answer that numerous times now. If you were happy with the data and your ability to interpret and understand it, you would have no problem fielding the question.

This leaves two conclusions:

a) You’re a dolt who doesn’t understand what the data actually tells you
b) You realise that the data actually contradicts what you say when you look at the actual numbers so you’re hiding behind it.

Nope if I look over and back I see this:

I deal in facts, vouched for and linked. You deal in anecdotes, unsubstantiated and prejudiced. You need to grow up and stop playing the victim when you get called out. If only you were one tenth as smart as you think you are.

Fuck Schmidt.

I am at least one tenth as smart as I think I am. I am one of the top five most smartest posters on the board.

That’s what you think, reality differs.

These are numbers provided by the State body in Ireland. Everything is transparent and easy to see from the table I’ve posted on numerous occasions.

That’s good enough for me. No need to speculate if I’m happy, I am in a very content state of mind.

Your reality certainly differs. That has always been the case.

How did this thread turn into another covid one?


And top 3 humble bud, don’t forget that bit!

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So you don’t understand the numbers? Stop insisting you do when it’s clear you don’t.

If you understood the numbers you could field my question. You can’t, numerous times now, you failed. Telling someone you know something and then not knowing the answers to basic questions…ouch.