Cable TV

Is the HD worth the extra money? Is the picture quality massively better? (obviously the TV plays a part too)

There are some things (one or two) that even I don’t know. That’s one of them. Never used it Runt.


It’s a trap topsy. Let them believe.

If there was a Smiley depicting relief it would be posted here instead of this sentence.

Surely no worse than O’ Neills sports.

Jesus, I don’t know what the fook I’m doing on a sports forum so.

i have it free myself, the place I live in has the old connections that they can’t cut off as it would take out the whole neighbourhood, they come around every so ofter and put a nut on the connector outside the house but I’m out like a shot when they’ve gone to undo it

Had that sort of set up in the last place I lived, cushty out.

Presume that’s just basic that you have for free?

They will leave on the basic service for nothing but there is no way you’ll get any premium services for nothing.

It was the sports channels I was referring to for the auld HD, the bird on the phone told me they were still discussing it with Sky when I spoke to her a few weeks ago while ordering ESPN for an extra fiver a month.

I think the HD picture quality is a fair bit better. I am sitting here watching the football on a 49’ plasma and the picture is a bit smudgy, my mate has a 37’ and with HD the picture is considerably better. If you have a decent tv and you can afford digital tv then you can afford hd and you’d be as well getting it, otherwise you’re not even getting the best out of your telly.

ah yeah, used to have the dodgy box until they upgraded the encryption

Yeah its just the basic you get for free. Still, you get the odd live Scottish soccerball game like tonight on Setanta. Suppose you get what you pay for really.

Have the phone, bband and cable(Sports) with them. (phone+ some unlimited calls package,bband and digital tv 59/month +30 extra for Sports)
To be fair their customer service has been fine so far
THey installed all within a week of us ordering
I think its well worth it- Watch the rugby and EPL on it

[quote=“The Dunph”]
It’s fairly common practice to bribe the Cable Guy in exchange for free channels.*

*At least it is in Tour anyway.[/quote]

Yeah well if we were all to adopt what’s common practice down that way civilisation might slip back a couple of centuries.

My ntl tv service is fucked the last few days. Loads of lag. Very annoying.

ya same ere, tis about time to be getting in sky me thinks